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SOTW question.....


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I tried SOTW ancients with my dc when they were 6 and then again at 7. They didn't seem to fully comprehend the text so I decided to go with something different. Because of that, we have not really studied Ancient times in full. I decided to pull out SOTW again and give it another try, now that they are 8. They finally seem to comprehend it a bit more(we've only read the first 3 chapters so far).


I promise that my question is coming:001_smile:. This will be their 2/3 grade year....I was planning on covering American history this year. I'm thinking of reading SOTW Ancients over the summer and then starting American history in the fall. Then, when it is time to cover Ancients again(when is that?) we will read SOTW Ancients again.


Does this plan sound ok? Does it even make sense? Would it be fine if I only slightly covered ancient history and went right into famous americans, pilgrims, colonial times, Indians for 2/3rd grade? My head is spinning!


Could anyone list what history should be covered for each year?


Phew! Thanks.:tongue_smilie:

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Your plan to read SOTW Ancients over the summer and then move into American History is *fine*.


The truth is, you can do anything you want with history :) The sequence doesn't matter. As for a list of what "should" be covered this year, well, you can:


* Use the WTM four-year history cycle as your guide, or

* Your local school district's scope and sequence, or

* Worldbook's scope and sequence, which you can find online, or

* follow Sonlight's sequence, or Latin-Centered Curriculum, or ...


See what I mean? The sequence doesn't matter. You can pick any of those, or none.


I personally like the four-year cycle, because as we repeat the history, we retain it better and can go deeper each time.


But sure, cover the ancients lightly and then jump into American history! It will be fine. You'll do the ancients again, later, in more depth. There's plenty of time :)

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I am not an expert but my 6yo DD doesn't always get the SOTW stuff either, which is OK. I figure I am just introducing her to the stuff now and she will get it again 2 times in her schooling so she doesn't obviously have to be an expert at it in 1st grade. I really stressed about it when I would review the last chapter before reading the next and she didn't know why people were mummified.... then I just said to myself...she doesn't have to grasp the entire concept just yet, just to get it introduced.

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I am not an expert but my 6yo DD doesn't always get the SOTW stuff either, which is OK. I figure I am just introducing her to the stuff now and she will get it again 2 times in her schooling so she doesn't obviously have to be an expert at it in 1st grade. I really stressed about it when I would review the last chapter before reading the next and she didn't know why people were mummified.... then I just said to myself...she doesn't have to grasp the entire concept just yet, just to get it introduced.


This is an excellent and important point!


First grade is young. Don't expect them to understand the text well, or remember any of it :tongue_smilie: I mean, it's wonderful if they do! But if they don't, no sweat. You are getting the stories, the pegs, the ideas, into their brains. You'll come back to it, again, later.

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