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Ds(20) is wanting to join the National Guards. We believe that he is doing it for the wrong reason.


Here is some background~~~He has gotten into some financial debt--he is slowly getting out--should be debt free by the end of the year. He moved out in Oct. He was in college, but the teacher kicked him out of class--the previous semester ds was taking the same class online. Ds was not getting the class online and was failing. He told the teacher(same one) that he wanted to take the class in school..so ds dropped it and signed back up the next semester. When ds went to class the first day, the teacher told him to leave immediately, that he did not accept him into his class and that he sent ds an e-mail...ds did not receive the e-mail at all..the school accepted his money for the class though--which he did receive it back. There were no other classes for ds to take since it was the first day of the semester. Everything went down hill from there. Thats when he decided to move out and the financial problems started.


Ds is wanting so bad to go back to school. He can not afford it while living on his own. He doesn't want to move back home, though We have told him to find a Financial Counselor that would help him get financial ad.


His thoughts are to go into the NG and go to school that way. I don't think he should join due to the amount of $$ received each month, school or just because it looks "cool" on TV--that's one thing that was said!



What are your thoughts???

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I know that he is old enough to make his own decision. He has come to us asking for our advice.

In my opinion.. I feel that if he had talked about this his whole life, I wouldn't have a problem with it. We(dh and I) feel like he is doing this for the wrong reason and once he is in he would not be able to leave. Honestly...as a mother nothing would be good decision.

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My dsd18 is joining the Army and I know how you feel. It is very scary for parents. However, my dh was an Army man, my father was a Cost Guard man and my brother was an Army man so I know that this is a great opportunity and responsibility for him. If your son has made mistakes, and it sounds as if he is putting forth an effort to correct those, then maybe he is in a place in his life were he is ready to make some solid decisions. Joining the NG may be the best decision he could make. Remember this, we all want to be protected we just don't want it to be our kids that do it. If every parent felt that way and got their way who would protect us? Good luck!

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