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graduation gift ideas please!

Guest janainaz

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Guest janainaz

My little SIL's are graduating today - one is an 8th grade promotion and the other is graduationing high school. We also have two family weddings to attend and we can't break the bank with gifts. I need some graduation gift ideas for the girls. The older SIL just celebrated her 18th birthday and I had her graduation photo framed and did some special/sentimental stuff with that. I'm blank, so all ideas are welcome. Dh wanted to 'do' something with them, but other than dinner, I'm not sure what.



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8th grade graduation isn't a "real" graduation in my book, so a card and $20 would be about right in my book (birthday equivalent)


For high school, I'd go with cash unless there is a specific item you know she wants/needs and you can pick it out. Amount would vary with your family habits and budget. For me, it'd probably be $100 for a family member or very close family friend. (Less for more distant acquaintances.)

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I gave my niece 1lb. of jelly beans in the colors of her high school contained in a jelly jar with a ribbon (also in her HS colors). I couldn't do the traditional cash gift and I thought this was "outside of the box".


That is adorable!!!!!!!! What a great idea for a thoughtful, fun, gift when cash isn't in the budget! You could even go bigger for a more showy but still very affordable gift!


I am going to steal that sometime!!

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