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Frugal homeschoolers-- how do you do it?

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A few folks have already mentioned this, but one of the best ways I've saved is to use what I already have. Our SL core 2 has been parceled out over two years (with SOTW 2 and lots of library books added in).


Using page protectors and dry/wet erase markers has helped significantly; we also use our whiteboard many, many times a day.


I spend a lot of time researching before I buy; this has saved time, money and frustration down the road.


Curriculum hopping is expensive; slow it down, speed it up, take something out or add more in before you jump ship and buy the next greatest thing.


If you hang out on these boards long enough, you'll find lots of freebies and links. :)

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A few folks have already mentioned this, but one of the best ways I've saved is to use what I already have. Our SL core 2 has been parceled out over two years (with SOTW 2 and lots of library books added in).


Using page protectors and dry/wet erase markers has helped significantly; we also use our whiteboard many, many times a day.


I spend a lot of time researching before I buy; this has saved time, money and frustration down the road.


Curriculum hopping is expensive; slow it down, speed it up, take something out or add more in before you jump ship and buy the next greatest thing.


If you hang out on these boards long enough, you'll find lots of freebies and links. :)



That's a good point. This week I just starting packing away the teacher guides for the level Wacko has finished. Dot is 2 1/2 levels behind him, so rather than selling the answer keys and TG's, they're in a box in the closet waiting for her. Wacko will use the TG's and AK's Yacko just finished.

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Well I am not totally frugal, well most of the time I am not frugal.


Now I am trying to get better and here is the few things I am doing to help.


1. If I find something I want to print because I just have to have it, I make myself wait a few days. Usually by then I figure out I really did not need it.


2. If I do print, I go through and pick out the pages I want to use and print.


3. I refill my own ink. Way cheaper on me. I really have not had to many problems doing it either.


4. I search for used when I can. If I have to buy new I make sure that is what I really want before I buy. ( Way too many purchases I figured out I will never use the items and wasted money)


5. We use dry erase boards as often as we can. Since we throughout most of the papers what is the point of wasting them, right? So, when possible we use the boards.


6. I buy all supplies on sale or clearance. Also sometimes bulk saves money in the long run.


7. Also if you have a program you really like and want to use with younger children you can cover pages in page protectors have them write on the protectors, erase when done. Then you can keep using it for your other ones.


8. I use the library A LOT! I love my librarians, they are the best ladies ever!



Off the subject, but HELLO Bradandmeplus2. It is nice to see some more homeschoolers from Wy.

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