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Question on History Odyssey


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I really like supplementing our science with the R.E.A.L. Science by Pandia. I have seen many people voice their unhappiness with History Odyssey.


Can anyone tell me what they have liked about it? From the website samples it looks good, but we all know how much you can tell from just browsing the samples.

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I like History Odyssey. But, I like having the lesson plans all laid out for me. I think the book lists for each lesson are excellent-however, sometimes some of the selections are out of print. That can be frustrating.


My kids seem to be enjoying it. My ds does not like the numerous outlining/writing assignments (he is using level 2). I do like them as he needs the practice. You can download a fair selection to try before you buy. I would recommend doing that and seeing how your kids take to it.

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Did you download their 'try before you buy' sample? It has 9 (I think?) weeks of the program there for you to use, which I think is enough to give you a good taste of whether or not you'll like it.


I really went back and forth between HO and the SOTW AG for a while, and went with SOTW. I like the organization and mapwork much better with HO, and like how they include dictionary work as well. But the convenience of having activities and colouring pages right there in the book was the final selling point for me with SOTW AG. I just didn't want to have to buy and coordinate all those extra pieces with HO.

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Well, from my reading here, the negatives are referring to History Odyssey level 1. It seems that many agree w/ SOTW1+Ag is better than HO level 1. For level 2 and up, it seems to be split. Some really like it. It gives structure, do the next thing to a WTM-ish history. Others think it's boring.


I would suggest downloading the Try it Before you BUy it - you get about 9 weeks of material to work through making your decision. You can't really lose.


I'll be using HO level 2 w/ K12 as the spine for facts, timelines and K12 Human Odyssey as the spine for outlining, summarizing along w/ another Ancient History series by Oxford U. Press.

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We will be using level 1 next year and I've already downloaded and printed it out. I love how it's laid out. In the front there is a week break down (36 weeks) and you can separate the weeks with tabs. I think even level one has a lot of good content. Yes, some of the books are out of print, but many libraries might have them or they can be bought used through amazon or abebooks. I've already bough a ton of used books and checked my library website and found that they have most of the books I'm looking for. Each week has several books listed, so if you can't find one, odds are you can find another. Which set are you looking to use? We're using Middle Ages level 1. Indy can't wait to start.

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We've only used level 2 and we really like it. It strikes me as TWTM scheduled out - we don't have to decide which readings to outline or what to summarize, that's already been done, ds just does the next thing. While I would love it if he could be more self directed, he's just not there yet. HO Level 2 is what drew us back to the 4 year history sequence, knowing that it is planned for me & the fact that we didn't have to hunt anything down.

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Thanks Techwife that is kind of what I was thinking. That it gave me more of a lesson plan to work with. My kids love books in general, but the two times we have tried doing just SOTW with the AG it was overwhelming and my daughter hated it!! This year we have done an American History study using great living books, timeline figures, notebooking, and fun activities from the American Kids in History period books.


I will definitely download to take a better look as well as possibly test out. I am just trying to get a better feel of what people like about it, since it seems we test out many things that don't really work for us, and that is a waste of time and money.


I would really like something we could stick with. We have tried SOTW, sonlight, and doing our own thing with recommended resources. Sonlight is great with book recommendations, but I find some of the years to be lacking.


Any more info is truly appreciated.

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