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Golfers - need advice!

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This isn't exactly a s/o of the free golf lesson question, but close.


Dd(15) has just started playing - with a local city course golf camp. She loves it, and wants to keep playing. Soooo... what am I looking for in a good used set of clubs for a beginner? Any particular brands/styles to stay away from? Any particular features to look for? Any recommendations at all are most welcome - even pointing me to a good information website would be great.



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If she's 15 do they they want he to have standard clubs?

We have a set of cheapie juniors from Walmart of all places...cheap. Great for beginner. My dd is 7 and needs a junior set.

Check ebay... you may wind up just buying her an inexpensive set there

(we've been looking for a set of pink clubs/bag and they were reasonable on ebay).

Ask around, check craigslist. Nothing good, not like you're going to buy her Pings this go around.

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The best place to ask is at the pro-shop of the club where she is playing. They can give you some pointers based on her height and abilities. Then check around - craigslist, garage sales, ebay, etc.


My dad ended up finding my sons their newest sets. But they have pretty well finished growing and their game is greatly improved from where they were a couple of years ago. He found them through connections at the golf course where he regularly plays.


Her coach at the camp will have some ideas based on her skill level. I'm amazed at the clubs we find at garage sales. It seems that people (particularly women) begin the sport and must have the best clubs even before deciding if they will continue (sorta like fitness/workout outfits). Then they sell them a year later for pennies on the dollar.

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The best place to ask is at the pro-shop of the club where she is playing. They can give you some pointers based on her height and abilities. Then check around - craigslist, garage sales, ebay, etc.


My dad ended up finding my sons their newest sets. But they have pretty well finished growing and their game is greatly improved from where they were a couple of years ago. He found them through connections at the golf course where he regularly plays.


Her coach at the camp will have some ideas based on her skill level. I'm amazed at the clubs we find at garage sales. It seems that people (particularly women) begin the sport and must have the best clubs even before deciding if they will continue (sorta like fitness/workout outfits). Then they sell them a year later for pennies on the dollar.


That was going to be MY answer but that speedy CynthhiaOK beat me to it. Cynthia's suggestion is how we have handled it here - we do keep most of our outgrown clubs for grand-daughters, but that's just us.


Craigslist is a good place to look; bulletin boards at the pro-shop, places like that.

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Thanks, all. We'll talk to the coach and the pro shop for suggestions.


My parents had a set that a friend gave them for mom to use if she ever wanted to try - they seem to be the right length for dd. I'm think they're good enough for her to play and see if she sticks with it for any length of time. The bag with them has got to go, though. It's enormous and way heavier than the more modern ones (and no stand.) I feel more confident looking for a used golf bag.:D

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As long as the clubs are about the right size, you don't need anything more. You don't need a full set. Really a wood or two and about 5 irons and a putter, the the minimum. When you are starting out it is more about learning to stand and swing and rules. If they stick to it for a while, then you can get something better. So if GM's clubs are about the right size, use them.

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