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Those "no bark" little things that you click...

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Hey There,


Guess what? They work!! My mom lent me hers... which she has used on the two dogs in the yards on either side of her... (They don't bark much... at all anymore!!) And... my dog turned into an almost "non barker" in one day. I don't think that it hurts them... just a bit of an annoying sound....


Just wanted to let you know... if you have need... that it's GREAT!! I said "Hush" and then pushed the button... Three times... and ... he stopped for the day! And, I went over to the neighbors... and it worked there, too!!




(PS... Sorry in advance Hornblower... if there's something bad about them... that I don't know...) :D

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(PS... Sorry in advance Hornblower... if there's something bad about them... that I don't know...) :D




Well..... they are an aversive. So for people who want to train positively & not use aversives, they're out. They only work IF the dog finds the ultrasonic sound unpleasant enough.


That said, there's a pair of min-pins in my neighbourhood whom I might be tempted to use it on....:D


On any dogs in my own care I stick to the basics: physical exercise, mental stimulation, obedience. There's a great book by Turid Rugaas called Bark - The sound of a language, which helps people understand the various vocalizations & channel their use. You can, with some patience, teach dogs 'quiet' and 'inside voice please' :) Though some dogs are certainly very vocal. The other issue the actual pitch of the vocalizations - people find different barks or yodels or howls annoying: some can't stand small dog high pitch barking, some find the deep baying of hounds annoying.

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Hey there,


Glad you're laughing and not shooting arrows at me :) It should work for those cute mini-pins you're talking about! At least for my mom's pugs... and the obnoxious dog on her left. She tried the meet and greet thing with the dog... and like everything else that they insist on doing... the just basically said it was her problem!


Course, these are the people that did an island between my mom's yard and theirs... with these huge trees that ate into her yard!! And... everything else that ate into my mom's landscaped yard... even after being told that the shrubs and trees etc... would be too big!!


Funny looking trees that are chopped off on one side.... and... well.. funny looking dog when they cock their heads to one side... and stay away from the property line, too :)

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