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Spelling Workout--should I also get the Teacher's Edition?


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I haven't used teacher book for A. Nor have I even seen it. I didn't buy teacher book until level F. Only as a time saver. I can't see any reason to use it before E or F. Just my 2 cents :001_smile:


Since you have used this curriculm do you do one list a week or what? I am starting this with my second graders this fall at level A, how did you do this?

I did buy the teachers edition, not sure if it will help or not...but it does have extra activities/games that are not in the student book.

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We do a little more than one list a week. They do a page or two 4 days a week. In the end it may end up being a list a week, but I try to keep it moving a little faster than that to stay with TWTM schedule for this curr.

I think those extra pages would be good if you need them for extra practice. We haven't needed them at all (we range from B-G right now), so I don't add the extra work in.

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I admit it...I love TMs! I have the TM for all of our Spelling Workouts (we are currently on E), but really I don't think you have to have one for A. I like them because they give you sentences for the pre-tests and tests. The less thinking I have to do the better, some days.


We actually started A the second semester of K. Then in first grade we did B and C (one each semester). C does start to get a bit difficult but so far both of my girls have done well. Our schedule for A-C is to do the pre-test and first couple of pages on day one. Day two, we do Spellingcity.com then on day three we finish the workbook pages and take a test. When we started D and E we added an additional day to write out definitions.


Hope that helps a bit.



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My son did books A&B last year. Our schedule was two pages a day and then the test, so three days for a lesson. I don't pre-test. I'll have to check out spelling city. I also make puzzle pages here. http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/ My son likes the double puzzle best. I use the spelling rule for that lesson as the hidden message. I have run into a length limit yet on the message.


Is everyone doing one book per semester? I was going to slow down for book C, but now I'm questioning that. Maybe I should just wait and see how he does!:lol:

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