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ACSI Purposeful Design science?


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ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) is the largest organization of private Christian schools in the world. ACSI offers many services for its member schools, including information on starting Christian schools, education for teachers, administrators, and administrative staff, accreditation, standardized tests, and more.


ACSI began its own textbook line, Purposeful Design, 10 years or so ago. Everything was written with classrooms in mind. I haven't looked at the science, but for the other subjects, most of the teaching is in the teacher manuals, and those cost a small fortune.


My advice would be to consider another publisher.

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I have looked at their math and science. They are very comparable to something like BJU in the way they are set up (esp. the math...it is almost just like BJU in their approach). Yes, they are expensive, but so are other typical choices the if you want the textbook route. Exodus Books, exodusbooks.com, which is a bookstore near Portland, has some reviews of their math programs (very positive). I have a copy of the 1st grade science student book (which we used parts of to supplement 1st grade science this year), and its a nice workbook, but to teach the curriculum properly you definitely would need the teacher's manual. CBD carries ACSI science, and you can see samples online. For a price comparison, the BJU Science Grade 1 is $99.50 on CBD for the homeschool kit; if you bought the ACSI teachers manual and student text, it would be $115, so they are pretty comparable.

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