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Curling leaves on my cherry trees - Help, please!

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Does anyone know why the leaves on my cherry trees may be curling? We recently had an issue with Japanese beetles, but we've sprayed and we're vigilantly monitoring them. The leaves were curling prior to the beetles though. Some of the leaves have brown spots, and if I shake the tree, a few leaves will fall. I'm not sure if this is all related.


I've tried to google all this, but I'm coming up with all kinds of answers. I thought someone on here could help.


FYI - The trees are 3 years old, and we've been receiving regular rain. It has been hot, but no worse than normal here.



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Take a sample of leaves in a zip lock bag to a good nursery and ask their advice. They should be able to at least steer your in the right direction. My guess would be a blight of some sort, but I don't know.


Hope you find an answer soon. Cherry trees are gorgeous!

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Fungus causes leaf curl. You can read about it here:




It affects both peaches and cherries.


This article on Wiki is better: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaf_curl


I notice leaf curl now and again on my fruit trees, but they always bear edible fruit, and the leaf curl has never taken over the whole tree.

Edited by Nicole M
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This is a fungal disease called CURLY LEAF. sprey the tree with Bordeau mix ( a copper sulfate mixture).

spray in the winter , and again just before bud burst. do not spray after leaves come out, as it will kill the leaves.

There are recipes for Bordeau mix on the Internet.


Thank you for this suggestion. We're also going to bring samples to our local nursery that usually is amazing. I just hope we don't lose them. We live in a subdivision where they just razed the land before building and as a person who desperately needs trees, I'll be so upset if they die.

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