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TOG/do you HAVE to use certain books?


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I just bought Y1 U1 and am only on week 3 so I am obviously really new. lol

But, from this 9 weeks I have looked at, using almost any book about the same concept will work, at least for LG and UG.

I know I couldn't do some of the literature for D and R and the worksheets, but there's only one worksheet a week for UG, and the Bible content is sooo strong. The historical accountability questions could be found in almost any book or even web site, from what I have seen of these first 9 weeks.

So, is this true of all of TOG? Could someone use it and subsitute a lot of the books as long as they are about the same concept?


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There are times at the upper levels, especially the rhetoric level, that the question is somewhat book specific, e.g "In chapter 7, Gergen writes, 'First, the leader paints a picture of the future he envisions; only then does he point to a path for getting there. For Reagan, the vision was of national renewal; the policies he supported were his strategy for getting there' (217). What domestic policies did Reagan’s administration offer Americans for national renewal, and how effective were they when implemented?" So you could glean this information from another source, but it's in the David Gergen book and therefore is a time saver.


If a book is expensive and used infrequently I have from time to time not purchased it and my sons researched a seemingly book specific question on the internet. It can take more time though.

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