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s/o Hep B vax; So what shots will I have to get to enter nursing school?

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I'm planning to start school again in a few months. I'll have one year of pre reqs, then I'll apply (and hopefully be accepted to) nursing school next fall.


In all my research, I haven't come across any recomendations or requirements for vaccinations/immunity requirements.


I'm in Michigan, if that makes a difference.


Anyone have any idea what they'll require?



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If you haven't had chicken pox they'll check your titer, you may need it.


In 1992 when I was in school it was hard to get and I almost did not get into my peds rotation/clinical because my titer was low but the theory was "...as long as I had an immunity show up on titer" I could proceed. (I also think this was very political because it should have been addressed sooner. I was some oddball case. But I was seething. If I had not gotten into that clinical i would have had a delay in graduation... so they let me in.) I was finally vax'd for it in 1999.

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I didn't go to nursing school but I work for a hospital and before I got my job, I was tested for immunity to some diseases. I remember that I had to get another measles shot because they determined that I was not immune. I am required to get TB tests yearly. I have no patient contact and the rules are stronger for those that do particularly those who work maternity.

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