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Yeast (Thrush) My mouth hurts

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Dr. gave me a Nystatin rinse which I swish in my mouth 4x/ day. I've been on it well over a week with no change. How long should this take. (I also took a Diflucan for the other end).

Thanks :confused:


Systemic yeast is a BIG deal. I have been at battle with ot for literally YEARS and it has really effected my life. That said:


No sugar...no carbs...NONE...nadda....protien and fat ONLY at least until you get it under control. This is the hard part, but sugar feeds yeast. no sugar...the yeast dies. Candida does not care if it is table sugar, honey, pasta or fruit....it eats and grows by it all the same...especially in moist warm areas....



Caprylic acid supplements are a natural anti-fungal/ nystatin without the side effects, and works better. 1 tablet 3x per day. Get them in the health food store. Solgar is a great brand.

raw garlic...cut clove in 1/2 and either chew if you can stand it or 1/4 it and swallow like a pill. You can also steep some and use the broth to swish around your mouth. Yeast does not like garlic. You may be stinky, but you will feel better.


Be prepared to feel kind of crummy as the yeast dies off...head aches, stomach ache because your intestines are growing healthy bacteria and killing off the yeast. It can feel pretty awful for a day or 2 and then you will feel much better.


Nice side effect of all this is you can lose weight rather quickly if you need to.


Pro biotics...but be careful not to go overboard with these as too much can mimic yeast itchies.


Hot water on your undies.


air dry WELL....


I found the most important defense against thrush, fungus infections and "down there" itchies is diet.


HTH ...also google natural remedies for Candida albicans. You are likely to find tons of info.


Good Luck!


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I am going to post a counter opinion to the common thought of NO carbs what so ever... my counter opinion is based on the work of Dough Graham as well as Dr. Fuhrman and my experience with herbal consultations with a friend with a diagnosed candida overgrowth who was on HEAVY anti-fungals from the chiropractor as well as SUPER strict about diet and after 6 weeks no change until she changed what she was doing...


My opinion comes from the point of view that ALL foods, whether carb, protein, or fat will be broken down by the body into glucose to be used for energy. The fuel of our bodies is glucose. Without glucose, we don't run. Thus, I propose that a candida overgrowth, while it feeds on sugars, is really a problem with too high levels of dietary fat. Furthermore, yeast is a necessary part of our digestive system. We can not digest sugars without it. However, it is opportunistic and will readily overgrow when the body is not kept in check both by using antibiotics as well as by eating a crummy diet. So simple explanation, glucose goes into the blood and then the body uses insulin to take the glucose into the cells. However, if the cells have been insulated by too much fat in the bloodstream, then the insulin can not get to the receptor sites as readily and more glucose remains in the bloodstream, which in turns gives the yeast an opportunity to grow.

So, by lowering the amount of simple carbs as well as lowering the fat in the diet, a person is better able to conquer candida. I believe that diet rich in vegetables (preferrably raw or lightly steamed and chewed thoroughly), and maybe some brown rice and chicken or fish, and beans is the best for handling candida. Case in point, my friend whom I mentioned before was super strict on the nothing but protein and fat diet. She found that after 3 weeks she was no better. After 6 weeks she was still no better. Then she switched to all raw diet- no meat but still LOTS of nuts and thus a high dietary fat. She still ate no fruit. She found significant improvement but not complete healing. Then she switched to completely raw with almost no nuts (I think 1 ounce or so a day) and no oils, raw veggies, and added in some fruits. The candida went away without the anti-fungals!

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well with my babies i've always used gentian violet and it works pretty fast (1-2 days) but...you have a purple mouth...

My friend recently told me that gentian violet is cancerous and tastes like lysol... According to WebMD it should never be used in the mouth and if the physician prescribes it for in the mouth, great care should be taken not to swallow any. Dr. Sears has a note on his website that a recent study links it to mouth cancer.

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