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How much to do for LA in Gr.1?


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I have a dd who did kindy at public school, and I'm now going to HS for Gr.1. She isn't reading yet, so that will be my main focus this year. I'm going to use Explode the Code with her, and if it's needed I may also add TYCTR in 100 lessons. I'm planning on using Canadian Handwriting A with her, and using BOB Books for readers. When she's not able to read yet, would you add in anything else for a Language Arts program? Or maybe add in things once she learns to read? Grammar? Spelling? Writing? Vocab?

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I would add in a gentle grammar and writing such as WWE1 and FLL 1/2. Other than that I would concentrate on the reading. Spelling can come after she gets a better grounding in reading. I won't do vocab until logic stage. (except for the normal natural vocab study that comes along with reading)


After she gets a decent basis in reading you could start All About Spelling. It's a very gentle spelling program. It might help along her reading as some people use it for reading instruction... I haven't (use Phonics Pathways), but some do.


You will LOVE teaching your daughter to read! It's one of my favorite parts of teaching! :D

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I think your plan is perfect. And, of course, read aloud LOTS!


I did 100EZL + ETC as our phonics and it was great.

Handwriting -- yes. a tiny bit daily.


Vocab -- NO WAY. Read books!

Spelling -- *Can* start once the child is reading if you really want to, but not really *needed* until 3rd grade or so.

Grammar -- NO WAY! 3rd grade is soon enough, 2nd if you are really eager.

Writing -- No Way! Read first!! You can start oral narrations and/or you typing up her dictated stories or letters if/when you want. But, not required!1


I really think that the phonics and beginning handwriting is all you need until the child is reading at a 3rd grade level or so. Spend your extra LA time reading to your child as much as you can. It's more fun and more important than any of the other stuff and will help your child learn all those other things (grammar, vocab, writing) naturally.

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Well, here's another perspective. My dd is 5.5 and loves writing/spelling/vocabulary, so we do love doing some of the "extras" early.


For reading, we found OPGTR to be very thorough and easy to use. ETC workbooks are an on/off thing for us, I love that they help out with reading/handwriting/spelling all in one shot, but they get redundant sometimes.


One thing that turned out to be a huge success for us was starting spelling early (age 4), using All-About-Spelling. We'll be starting Level 3 this summer already.


Once your daughter has achieved intermediate reading skills, you may find it beneficial to start the gentle programs like Writing With Ease and First Language Lessons. They are slow and so easy to teach and learn.


Vocabulary - I have a daughter that is thrilled to learn new words, she just soaks them up. So in addition to reading books and learning new words, we do have a vocabulary program (Wordly Wise K-1). I know this is not totally necessary, but I don't see why I should stop this when we're having so much fun and she surprises Daddy every weekend with her new words.


If I could name certain subjects on which my daughter actually begs to spend more time, they are Vocabulary, Handwriting, and Spelling.


Just start with your phonics instruction and see how it goes...

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Actually, I regret not doing language with my first grader this year. She doesn't know where to put periods and capitols...and she worked so hard in every other area. Now we just ordered her Language Arts from CLE and she has to go back and do 1st grade. I wish I had taken it more seriously this year. That's just my opinion.

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