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Ideally, for Tapestry of Grace, child is in 5th grade doing Year 1


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I read this several places. Also I found a website that says plan it out for your OLDEST child so that for 5th grade That child is in year 1.


Now I only have ONE child, and there won't be any more. However my son is entering 2nd grade.


If I start him on year 1 he will be out of order .. not in consecutive years books 1-4 for his high school years which would be ideal.


So I am not sure what year to start him with.


Obviously there are 12 years up through high school and one of the TOG years will not be done as many times as the others unless


. I speed up here and there and *catch him up* so he will be in year 1 by 5th grade.


Or I do them out of order and one year will be skipped one time.

Which year Should I skip.


also I realize some kids won't be doing TOG in upper high school, may graduate early, take college courses early etc. but Still since I am planning, this is really bugging me


He has had K and 1st grade already.


I could start with year two and skip year one to start with. He hasn't studied egypt and greece in depth. He does seem to know a lot about Moses and the burning bush .. etc. He has been in christian private school.


At first I was considering sonlight and I couldn't decide on Core 1+2 (the combined which would catch him up in one condensed year) Then others were saying don't do the combined years .. you miss out on too much. Others say it was hogwash.


So then I checked into TOG which I have decided on but am now having the SAME problem.

I know the years are stand alone, as are the units. You can enter a unit in the middle of a year etc.

But still I want him to be at Year 1 for Grade 5!


If I don't do that what would it LOOK like for his Years , which one would be left out and Why would that be okay LOL?


What are advantages disadvantages of both paths.


Starting him year 1 for second grade (8 year old for most of year) advanced reader


Or year 2 (for second grade)


Maybe I could do a brief overview of the "Ancients" over the summer?


Thanks.. for any help choosing. This is taking way to much time because of my indecison.


loretta (Ben's mom DS

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If I were to skip a year during the first cycle it would be Year 4, modern. I wouldn't skip Year 1 if he hasn't already studied Ancient History.


I would also suggest you email TOG customer service and see if they can help you with what Year you should start with and/or skip?


ETA: I'm sure you're not the first person to start TOG with a child in second grade, so don't fret! Hopefully some others here will have an answer for you, as well as Lampstand.

Edited by jewel7123
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I started ds in year 3 (3rd grade) - just because that is what year the co-op was starting. He is doing fine and doesn't miss all that other history. At this age, kids don't really grasp the whole big picture. I don't know where that puts him in the high school rotation, but the rest of my kiddos will be messed up anyway in their rotation (they won't get them in order). I'm not worrying about it too much. How many people ever study this much history in order?



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Here is what I would do. Since you feel biblical history has been well covered and that is the bulk of Year 1 - I would skip it. I would go to the library and pick out several book on Ancient Egypt at your son's reading level and let him read them or read them aloud over the next 3-4 weeks. Then repeat with Ancient Greece, then Ancient Rome. You will be set to start Year 2 in the fall and be on schedule.


BTW, I am planning Year 2 right now and I think your 8 yo will have a blast.:D

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I also think you MIGHT want to spend more time with Year 2 at the age your DS is. Year Two is BIG with TOG . . . they do Medieval Times (Renaissance, Reformation) and Colonial America in a year . . . those are some FUN (and memorable) eras to study with early elementary. If I were using TOG (it's a front runner for the dialectic and rhetoric stages) with my elementary aged kiddos I'd spend more time with Year Two and skim over/condense Year 3 and 4.


The 19th and 20th Centuries (Year 3 and 4) are harder content and issue wise. Would be fine, IMHO, to spend less time there with a young elementary kiddo. Part of TOG's philosophy is that much of what has happened in the 19th and 20th centuries informs the prevailing world views of today. Much of that goes over the head of a grammar stage/age child, of course, so that is why it is fine to minimize the study of those eras in K-4th and nail them in the Dialectic and Rhetoric stages. :)



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All of my kids will have a different experience with Tapestry. There are advantages and disadvantages to every situation. If all goes as planned, I'll have someone ending in every year plan. So, if you don't end up in Year 1 for 5th grade, it will be fine. In fact, my preference is to start year 1 in 4th grade and have senior year free for an online college class, but that's only working for 2 of my dc.


You have several options, but one you mentioned I would not consider. DO NOT try to SPEED UP to "catch up". Tapestry is too deep and too rich, and your son is too young to try to speed him through a year or unit. I would suggest starting with Year 2. If you follow it at the regular pace you will end up at year 1 for 5th grade. You may find year 2 so interesting that you want to slow down, then you can do years 2 & 3 over 3 years, skip year 4, and begin in year 1 for 5th grade.


Remember, at this age, it's not the CONTENT of history, but the LOVE OF LEARNING that is the most important thing. Enjoy your journey and light a fire!

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