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TT algebra and geometry

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My ds is a young 9th grader: he turns 15 the end of August. We are struggling to finish TT Algebra 1, hoping to finish by the end of this summer. Is it possible to successfully combine TT Algebra 2 and Geometry in the same year? If so, how does one do that? Do you speed them up, finishing one each semester, or do you work on both throughout the entire year?



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Be careful about rushing math. It's more important that he gets it than that he gets it done quickly. Having a solid math understanding will pay off at the higher levels. Calculus really can wait until college. But, you may want to combine geometry and algebra. Programs such as Singapore Math do that and I use it partly because it advances them concurrently. It might be too much to get through both subjects in one year. What's wrong with it taking 2 years?

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My son has an August birthday, and he struggled with Algebra. I ended up shifting his grades back by one (he wanted to) because he struggled. We ended up doing Algebra 2 twice, and he didn't retain Algebra 1.


I would be tempted to do Algebra 1 next year again. I had a friend that did just that with TT Alg. 1, her dd did much better the second time around and was ready for it the second time. If you feel the need to catch up, it might be better when he is older.

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Is he struggling, but getting it eventually with a decent score? Or is his work generally sub-85%?


In neither case would I hurry through both together. In the first case, I'd continue with either alg or geo. In the second case, I'd be strongly considering redoing algebra 1, either with the same program or another.


Algebra 1 is so foundational to all further mathematics that it's imperative to thoroughly understand it. If he doesn't really 'get' algebra 1, it's going to make the further math classes incredibly more difficult.

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If your son is struggling with TT's Algebra 1 then I would NOT consider trying to do work TT's Geometry and Algebra 2 together... Take as much time as needed to give him the BEST foundation before moving on.


While TT's Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 are on the 'lite' (or easy side) compared to other programs-- TT Geometry is more 'standard' and can be challenging (though not is as much depth as other programs). It would be a bit much for a 'struggling' student to try to handle both (2 separate math classes).

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