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A question about IEW

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I purchased the Ancient History theme writing workbook and teachers guide. I bought this to correlate with our Core 6 next year. My dd will be an 8th grader. My question is, can I use this without having taken "the course" on how to teach IEW? I have been told on another forum that I will not be able to teach this writing without buying the - Teaching Writing Structure and Style. The teachers guide for the ancient history looks pretty self explanatory. I was not able to attend the IEW class at the convention that I just attended, so I am really confused about this program. Can anyone give me some direction, pretty please?

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I would really try to borrow the DVD's from TWSS and watch them. I think it's likely that you would miss the heart of the course without watching the DVD's; they contain the "how" to teach; the theme books just contain assignments, though they are pretty thorough. Do you know anyone near you who uses IEW from whom you could borrow the DVD set? It would take you a couple of evenings to watch them.

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If you can borrow the TWSS (or buy & then resell), it'd be a great help. I couldn't do it w/o that b/c I am just an info junkie and have to understand every nuance.


If not, then you can go to the IEW Yahoo group and glean gobs of info there, but be prepared for everyone to tell you to buy the TWSS if you ask many questions, lol.


(I used the Anc. Hist lessons with Core 6 this year and it was great!!!!!!!)

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I used the Medieval lesson plans and I found them very useable without seeing the DVDs. I wouldnt have bought the Medieval lesson plans if I thought I needed to understand the whole system, but I had several people give me feedback that I wouldnt need them and I found I didnt. I found them quite self explanatory. But then, I am fairly confident about my ability to teach that level of writing, and have used many programs over the years. The program made plenty of sense to me and I just took it at face value. We enjoyed it.

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We've used 4 of these guides and I didn't really think the DVDs or guide was all that necessary. However, we did this in a group and some had more experience with IEW than others and I gleened a lot from them.

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