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I am looking to do a Am. History year with my youngers, and am trying to figure out a good program. . .


(To be perfectly honest, "good" programs seem to be hard to find, because I tend to have a mental picture in my head of what consitutes "good".)


However, I was just looking at MFW Adventures. . .I own most of the books, and I don't need Bible or Science. . .The TM seems rather pricey at $100 for just history. Or is it truly worth it?


I looked at the sample, but it just gave one weeks worth, so I don't really know. . .

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We have been using MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures this year and absolutely love it! In fact, we were blessed with Sonlight 3+4 complete and Core 100 complete both 2007 editions and could use those this year but I am having a hard time deciding between that or using MFW Exploration to 1850 and paying for it! MFW has been so great that even my husband is willing to pay for it and just use the sonlight readers for book basket! We are skipping ancient history and rome to reformation because we covered those with tapestry of grace before switching to MFW...... Anyway, I posted a request asking for votes if anyone wants to vote! (hint hint!):tongue_smilie:

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MFW Adventures was fun for us. The book basket is HUGE, and we read many books off that list that we'd never even heard of before. You may also find yourself doing some of the Bible and science even if you don't plan to. Plus it has that weekly grid with lesson plans that makes planning and recordkeeping so easy!


My vote is to look around for the TM used and go from there. ;)

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We did Adventures this year and it was a great year! We really liked it and yes, the $100 for a TM is VERY worth it. Besides, you can get back 60-70% of the cost by selling it used the year after you're done. There's a definate market for it and it would be easy to do.


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the TM has it planned out for me.


Plus it has that weekly grid with lesson plans that makes planning and recordkeeping so easy!


Hmmm. . .


If you were to go to my blog, you would quickly discover that planning / scheduling is not an issue for me. I can do that, and I'm looking far enough in advance (by about 2 years) that I actually have time to.


I also have an extensive home library, so that's not really a reason to purchase this program.


However, when I looked at week 11 sample it had songs, and activities listed that I would struggle with coming up with such things on my own. . . I could, it would just be a struggle. . .


You can easily get the tm used.


That's an idea I had not considered. . .


Besides, you can get back 60-70% of the cost by selling it used the year after you're done.


Yes, I'm a poor reseller. . . .


I base resell price off original price minus value received. . .thus, if it's an excellent program it is generally "gifted" to another.


(On the other hand, if it's a poor program, I send it to a local homeschool store for them to deal with, because I couldnt bear to take someone else's money for it -- even knowing what's "poor" for me may be perfect for another.)


Quick question.... Why wouldn't you use the bible and science?


Because I have Bible and science "covered" from now till grade 12. . .(short answer)

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