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Math for Visual Learner

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I am new to the group and starting HS this August with two girls, inlcuding an 8 year old with high functioning autism. I am looking for a math program for the 8 year old.


I believe she is a visual learner, but I don't think she learns well with videos. Her second grade teachers tells me she completes her math assignments in minutes with a high degree of accuracy and is then bored. Word problems are harder for her. My older daughter will need more direct help with math, so I would like to find a program that allows the 8 yo more independent work and keeps her moving at a fast pace.


Also, my highly verbal ten year old scored very low in visual spatial abilities. Anybody have suggestions there?


Glad to be a part of this forum. Thanks!


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Hi Andrea and welcome.. I have a similar situation in that my 9yr old daughter with Asperger's does well in math, but my older daughter, 12 (also Aspie-ish) has a harder time with math and needs more help.


I currently have them both doing Teaching Textbooks just because I have two younger kids who need my attention and TT is computer-based and does not require much parental involvement. My 9yr old is breezing through it on her own without my help. My 12yr old is doing okay with it, but she needed a lot of remediation to get to that point.


You might want to look at Singapore for your 8yr old. It's heavy on the word problems though.. Don't know if you want that or not. http://www.singaporemath.com


We also use Timez Attack to help with memorizing math facts.. It's free so you can't go wrong.. http://www.bigbrainz.com

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My 8yo son told me once that Singapore math (as opposed to Saxon) helped him to picture the math in his head. You could also take a look at Math U See. You can use MUS without the videos. Both programs are easy to move quickly through.

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I just go the Singapore Math set and it is great. I let her do the first lesson, and before I knew it she had completed four lessons on her own. She was adamant that she didn't want or need manipulatives so I avoided MUS. I may look into it for my math phobic older daughter if Saxon doesn't work out. Thanks for your input!

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