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POLL: How long does your 2nd grader spend in school work?


POLL: How long does your 2nd grader spend in school?  

  1. 1. POLL: How long does your 2nd grader spend in school?

    • 30 min or less/day
    • 30-45 min/day
    • 45-60 min /day
    • 60-90 min/day
    • 90-120 min/day
    • 120-150
    • over 180 min /day

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Please details (how long on each subject).


My husband thinks this is way too much . :)


This is what we do :


Bible (reading ) : 5min

Math :30-40 min (includes teaching time&worksheets)

Grammar /Writing :20-25 min

Spelling: 10 min

Handwriting : 10 min

History or Science 30 min

Reading aloud : 30-40 min

Reading to himself :30-40 min

Edited by Euromom
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I voted 90 - 120 because that's the longest she would spend on individual subjects (by herself or one-on-one with me). She sometimes finishes everything (math, handwriting, reading, etc.) within an hour. We do science, history, and arts as a group. On days that we do one of those, school would be longer.

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I think it is fine. This is the schedule my second grader had this past year:




History Silent Reading: 15-30 minutes X 5 days




Bible: 15-20 minutes X 5 days




Science: 30 minutes X 5 days




Penmanship: 10-15 minutes X 3 days




Spelling: 15 minutes X 4 days




Math: 60 minutes X 5 days




History (with brother): 30-60 minutes X 2-3 days




Poetry Memorization: 5 minutes X 5 days




Grammar: 15 minutes X 3 days




Writing: 15 minutes X 4 days




Literature Silent Reading: 45 minutes X 5 days


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I don't think it is too much, either. I give dd7 about 2 to 2-1/2 hours to do math, copywork/Bible, R&S Reading, independent reading selection with narration, piano practice and (my) read-aloud with narration. I don't count science and silent reading as part of school, because we do that naturally during our free time and family time. She also enjoys her schoolwork and doesn't usually have any complaints or problems getting done in that timeframe.


Take care,


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Well, without read-aloud/Bible reading/science/history/fine arts (which we did as a group this year), my 1st grade dd (who would do school from sun-up to sun-down if she could) does about 2.5 hours of school. This includes the following:


Bible instruction - 15 min

Vocabulary 15 min

Math 30 min

Spelling 15 min

Silent Reading 15 min

Read to her 15 min (This is where I read aloud books my boys wouldn't be interested in.)

Literature 15 min

Spelling 15 min

Grammar 15 min

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That sounds about right to me. My first grader does math for half an hour, composition for half an hour, then works on Latin, piano and memory work for another hour. Science, literature, history, free reading, art -- those are all extras that take up more time. In school a second grader would spend three hours on task and two hours passing back dittos, lining up single file, etc., so I don't think two hours of tutoring is extreme.

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