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Dr. Hive-- I have a question-- please help if you can!

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My husband was in a very bad roll over accident at work last monday- but considering how bad it was- got very minor injuries. Now, we are waiting on workmans comp to approve therapy, but we have been waiting almost a week. Does anybody know of good, safe exercises for an extremely sore shoulder? When he rolled, he was thrown from the semi and landed on his shoulder. There is nothing torn or broken, just extreme pain. It just seems like this is being prolonged and if he had something he can do until he can get into therapy to try to help would be great!


Thank you!

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My husband was in a very bad roll over accident at work last monday- but considering how bad it was- got very minor injuries. Now, we are waiting on workmans comp to approve therapy, but we have been waiting almost a week. Does anybody know of good, safe exercises for an extremely sore shoulder? When he rolled, he was thrown from the semi and landed on his shoulder. There is nothing torn or broken, just extreme pain. It just seems like this is being prolonged and if he had something he can do until he can get into therapy to try to help would be great!


Thank you!


I don't have any advice for you, just wanted to say thank goodness he is okay, and I hope he feels better soon:grouphug:

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My husband was in a very bad roll over accident at work last monday- but considering how bad it was- got very minor injuries. Now, we are waiting on workmans comp to approve therapy, but we have been waiting almost a week. Does anybody know of good, safe exercises for an extremely sore shoulder? When he rolled, he was thrown from the semi and landed on his shoulder. There is nothing torn or broken, just extreme pain. It just seems like this is being prolonged and if he had something he can do until he can get into therapy to try to help would be great!


Thank you!


Sit upright leaning slightly towards the sore shoulder. Hold a can of beans in your hand. Let arm relax and stretch shoulder. Move hand/can in slow small circles.

Sit upright. Grasp the elbow of the sore side with the opposite hand (cupping the point of the elbow in the palm). Gently pull sore arm across chest. All "work" should be done by the good arm. Let the sore arm be completely limp.


Stand alongside a wall. Place sore arm's hand on the wall about head height. Slowly "crawl" up the arm with your fingers. Your forearm should be doing the work, not the shoulder. Go slow and start out not going all the way up.


Free advice, worth what you pay for it. You might google passive range of motion shoulder.

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