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Appliances and annoying salespeople who are patronizing

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Yes, this is a spew. I am frustrated. It is minor, but spewing releases its hold on me and helps it go away faster. So feel free to move on to more interesting topics that are far more productive. I just need to get this out!


We have a dishwasher with this little part that has broken once before. Same part, different side. I got a replacement part for just over $2 the first time. It was not easy to find then. Everybody has their own system for assigning part numbers, it seems. Really helpful for the consumer!


Now, they tell me that you can't get that part and it never was sold that way. Umm, I did buy it from you last summer. Now, I have a to buy and whole assembly area for much more money when all I need is a stupid little wheel that costs $2. And when that one breaks, even more money to replace a stupid little wheel that costs $2. Very poor design.


And the annoying salesperson basically brushed me off with "Nice talking to you dear" kind of statement letting me know he was not going to help me and was hanging up. I do not like being condescended to (maybe not a proper sentence, but it works for me right now!).


So there. Stupid guy talking to me like I'm a stupid girl. He won't get off his behind to go ask the repair guy (who helped me before) if he has the part on his truck (for $2). Nope, simply says, the computer says it doesn't exist.


WHEW. There. I feel a tad bit better. And I will never darken their doorstep for business again. (yeah, my $2 is really threatening to put them under, huh!) Thanks for the space to spew forth my distaste so that I may move on with my day rather than sitting here stewing over this stupid non-issue.



Thanks, done now!

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That's like the "service advisor" at the car dealership telling me they never before worked on the headlight "problem I was having. I had to say "Yes, you did, you were going to fail me on my inspection, if I didn't get it fixed." His reponse, "No that couldn't have been the same problem. It's not in our computer" Me - "Uh, yes it was. Take me to the car and I can get the bill from the glove box." Him - "I'll look again and let you know." So, there I sat for 45 more minutes. Finally they call me back to say the problem is fixed and at no charge, since it wasn't fixed right the first time. He found the paperwork afterall and did not have the guts to come and tell me I was right.


Oh, and guess what....The problem is back again. I wonder if he will have it in his computer this time. wink wink


So, I completely feel you pain.

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I've had this happen, and I feel your pain and frustration and urge to strangle! If you are like me, you've probably complained to people you know in the neighborhood of the business - and that bad p.r. costs them plenty! Is there a manager you could complain to? I had one auto business that refused to fix the tire that they had put on wrong. I said, fine, sat in their waiting room and told each person who came in LOUDLY what my problem was. They fixed the tire in a hurry (and for free) too!

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When we were looking for a new car about 14 years ago, the salesman acted like I wasn't there. He said something to dh about how he will like to drive it and the power, blah, blah, blah. I was a little peeved but dh said right back to him that he would hardly ever drive it, it was going to be my car and the car had to please me. :lol: How quickly the salesman changed his tune.


As for the part, do you have the owner's manual or the part number? Can you look up the model online? They often have the manuals and parts lists online so you can just find out what you need to order. Just tell them you want part #such and such. If you can't get it from the store, call an applicance repair service and ask if they can order the part for you.


Good luck.

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I've had this happen, and I feel your pain and frustration and urge to strangle! If you are like me, you've probably complained to people you know in the neighborhood of the business - and that bad p.r. costs them plenty! Is there a manager you could complain to? I had one auto business that refused to fix the tire that they had put on wrong. I said, fine, sat in their waiting room and told each person who came in LOUDLY what my problem was. They fixed the tire in a hurry (and for free) too!



:lol: Believe me, I grumble out loud in that place! Unfortunately, most of the people sitting around there are elderly and can't hear :tongue_smilie:

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