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SOTW 2, w/ Biblioplan or SL Core 2 with SOTW?


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I have created an insatiable history buff in dd7. We used SOTW 1 this year, which she adored. Didn't do many projects (my problem, not good about planning them) which she would have liked. Did use the AG and did the questions/narrations, coloring pages maps. Didn't use the book lists as much as I could have (again my problem about planning ahead and getting overwhelmed w/ library books). So I feel in a way like we missed some things because toward the last 1/3 of the year (or maybe earlier) almost all we did was read SOTW and use the AG.


I've now let her start listening to the CDs for SOTW 2, and she's on disc 7 after a few days!!! Because I feel like SOTW on its own, while really good, was missing something for us (like I would like more Biblical/church history incorporated, and some overall variety). I should have used the book lists and projects more in the AG, but got overwhelmed w/ the library and projects probably aren't my thing unless they are planned FOR me on when to do them.


I've looked at TOG -- too much for me (overwhelming, and cost too much and I just have 1 kid) so that is out at least at this age. I just discovered Biblioplan, and that is very appealing. And then there is always Sonlight, that I drool over probably because I like the idea of having everything planned out for me, plus having readers too. However, I doubt that I'd stay w/ SL past core 4.


If we really love SOTW, but just want more (in addition to using the AG more extensively), would I be happier with Biblioplan with SOTW2 or trying SL Core 2 and doing SOTW 2 along w/ it (lightly)? (Doing Core 3 & 4 along w/ SOTW 3 & 4 before going back to a second rotation of history is appealing to me too; I like the idea of more in depth Am. history in grade school years). We are leaning toward a classical type of homeschooling, but not hard core. I would probably make SL more classical in flavor. I'm wondering if Biblioplan is easy to use, and to find the books (I'd probably buy a lot of them) esp. in comparison to SL Core 2.


BTW, I already own all the SOTW 2 resources.

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I think you would probably like either one of your approaches. Both of them will have you reading lots of great books. We use Biblioplan but I've always been kind of partial to Sonlight too. Biblioplan would focus only on history. Sonlight has a broader range of reading--history and lit. Biblioplan would schedule SOTW for you. It is also based on WTM's four year cycle if that is appealing to you. If you buy a lot of the books, there probably won't be much difference in cost, and Sonlight is a lot easier to buy. But if you enjoy the thrill of the hunt for good deals, you may be able to get a lot more books for your money with Biblioplan. You will have to track down and buy the books yourself. I get many from Rainbow Resource and a few from Amazon and even a few from Sonlight. I buy a bunch of them used using Amazon Marketplace or DealOz.com to find the cheapest price--and some of the books are out of print, so this is the best way to find them.


Another appealing thing about Biblioplan is its flexibility. The readers are separated into 3 age categories. The K-2 category is picture books--great ones, usually available in our library. Sonlight doesn't really have picture books. Then there are readers in the 3+ category (roughly 3rd and up) and 5+ and family read-alouds. I've been able to customize and choose books in different age brackets that I thought my dd would be able to handle. Or use some of the 5+ books as read-alouds.


Anyway, there are advantages to both programs and either way you will be reading and enjoying great books.

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We just finished up part of SOTW 2/ SL core 2 combo this year; it was easy to do, and we all enjoyed it. It hasn't been hard for me to add a more classical flavor into SL. I plan to add in SL cores to our classical framework as we go along as well. Next year we will finish up the SOTW 2/core 2 combo, and then do SOTW 3/core 3 the next year (or so) and then SOTW 4 /core 4 the year after that. Then core 5, then back to another 4 (or 5, or 6 :)) year rotation through history. No, we are not going to get 3 nice little 4 year rotations through history, but that's o.k. We are still moving along chronologically and at a pace we can handle.

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Why not just buy your books and activity kits for SOTW 2? That way you don't have to gather materials or make library trips. Here, Here, here, and here are some kits (look at the similar products listed). You can use someone's list for the books.


I plan to get Knights and Castles, Archers, Alchemists & 98 Other Medieval Jobs You Might Have Loved or Loathed, and Leonardo da Vinci for Kids.

There are also lots of great ideas here! HTH!


What are your top FIVE books for SOTW 2?


SOTW 2 Book List: What we're reading next year!!

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Thanks for the input & ideas. All very helpful! It didn't occur to me until today that I could do the SOTW books AND a sonlight core (duh)!


I had no idea there were kits for activities! This is something I could handle I think :)

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