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How do Mr. Qs Science users feel about...


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his use of improper pronunciation guides? I was looking through his Life Science text as a possibility for my soon to be 5th grader and the pronunciation guides are more playful than accurate. After spending so much time on phonograms/spelling, Latin and Greek roots, etc., does this bother anyone other than me? For example, the word enzymes he breaks into "ends-imes".


I just need others with more experience sharing 2 cents.


My search for 5th grade science curriuculum has me pulling my hair out. I was revisiting this particular one when I made this discovery.


Thanks for any comments.

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That's a bit annoying, but honestly I seriously doubt my dd is bothering to pay much attention to those pronunciation guides, and what I loved about Mr. Q is that it got done, and my dd did it without too much complaining The complaining was only about having to do the worksheets - the reading and experiments she liked - and I was happy to have the worksheets as I think they helped with retention.

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I have not used it yet but am considering it gor next year. My dd will be in 2nd so she won't be reading to herself much. I consider the pronunciations given as more playful. IMO they are not mispronounciations, just not dictionary pronounciations.

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