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Took my dd to the GYN, tell me if this makes any sense?

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Two years in a hospital? That is a remarkable amount of time! What was her diagnosis?


Suddenly, within 2 days of the guardasil shot she got really weak, thirsty, etc. Turns out, she suddenly had type 1 juvenile diabetes + a lot of complications that kept her in the hospital (in and out, but mostly in) for 2 years. They had to finish high school homeschooling because she missed so much school. She was 15, and had never had a symptom before. My friend says the dr they had after that (and my homeopathic dr has told me this too) that often certain ingredients in some vaccinations can trigger dormant diseases that a child might carry, but not have. My dr says gardasil is a BIG suspect in this happening, but nobody can say what ingredient it is.

Yep. I'm not a suspicious person, but I am about gardasil.

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I don't know on this exact question, but I do know that a lot of the general recommendations are not based necessarily on the best interests of the patient. There are a lot of politics involved in what comes out of the CDC -- so good luck getting a straight answer.


This is why *I* decide what tests and vaccines my kids get, not the government or the doctor or the nurse of the guy mowing the neighbor's lawn. I'm a bit of a grump that way. :rolleyes:


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Yet, she tells me the new guideline for beginning pap smears are not until 21, regardless of se*ual history. Only testing for STD's.


Okay, how in the heck does that make any sense? If they are pushing the Gardisil, why not pap smears if you are se*ually active?


Perhaps HPV doesn't cause cervical damage for many years after infection, so earlier Paps are just a (stressful) waste of resources. I don't know.



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