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Mom gives birth WHILE driving

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I heard 'ya!


When I was pregnant with #1, I avoided my hometown in my last few weeks. The ambulance squad was filled with my high school classmates!


When I was pregnant with #3, my neighbor was an EMT. I told him I'd kill him if he came near me!


Of course I would have done whatever I might have needed to do, but I definitely would have hated it!


When I was pregnant with #5, I was a little nervous about dh getting home to get me and me getting to the birth center on time (he worked where the birth center was - 40 miles away.) I had a friend tell me to call 911 if I went into labor and the paramedics would come get me. No thanks! I knew a lot of them - this was a VERY small town.


I think they were hoping I'd call and then deliver in the ambulance so that they could get some practice!:tongue_smilie:

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I consider myself a cynic, but even I have a *teensy* bit more faith in the general population than that. But just a teensy bit.:tongue_smilie:


Uuuum, ever heard of a 'copy cat'? It is prolific throughout history and across the world. Just some simple research into topics like school shootings, will lead to countless articles about the media's role in increasing copy cat killings and school shootings, by giving the copy cats the infamy they desire.

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