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HOD vs. MFW ECC ????


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I know that these two programs do not cover the same kind of material but I was just wondering for those who have used both or either, which makes for a longer school day. Which is easier to implement? If we use ECC we will be combining a 4th with 7th grader with the older one using the 7-8th grade supplement package. If we used HOD, I would place my 4th grader in Bigger (I would put him at a lower level because he needs the U. S. History and we tried Preparing this past year with him struggling quite a bit. We never finished although my oldest was doing quite nicely. We ended up with using Abeka textbooks for their particular grade.) My 7th grader would use CTC with extensions. She has had quite a bit of American History and could use some more world history ( as far as world history is concerned she only had Abeka 5th grade Old World History and Geography) before she reaches high school. Which would you use if you were me? Although I would like a plan that would be easy to implement, I also know that I do need to make the best choices for my dc academically.


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not too long ago, I used ECC with 7th and 4th grader. And used MFW K with my Kindy kid that year too.


We were usually done in 5 hours with everyone and everything (including breaks). We don't school for 5 hours straight, so we weren't exhausted. Sometimes we'd do read alouds in the evening, or some fun stuff on weekends from the week.


most of the length of day came for my then 7th grader as she was doing the jr. high stuff and would sometimes be a dwaddler on the writing of the country summary sheets.


She enjoyed the breaks in her day to do some of the 'younger" stuff in ECC with her sister, or to have fun with youngest child. She's a solid reader. she'd sometimes get bogged down a bit with writing assignments because she just didn't wanna do it.


I'm guessing the 4th grader was done in 3-4 hours. Kindy kid: MFW K and individual speech therapy in maybe an hour or so.


and those times include math and language arts, and jr. high science and everything. I'm not a great clock watcher to be able to say X hours were on the ECC parts only.

We enjoyed that year. Even in grumpy Monday mornings, it was nice to pray for people around the world in ECC. The girls liked geography games, and crafts, and the every other week of cooking. When things got too routine, we'd shift teaching routines around just because that happens with winter blahs....


never used HOD.



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I am going from HOD's Preparing to MFW ECC. I was all for going with the next HOD guide but I really want to teach everyone from one guide and I have a larger age gap than what HOD has. Using three guides next year seemed tiring to me and since I am living overseas I don't want to be doing school all day long. I just hope that DD still stays independent like she is now with Preparing.

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