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Need advice on how to partion off land to sell

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Does anyone know what steps would have to be done to sell off a small part of land? My neighbor has a little bitty hunk of land I would love to buy, but I don't know what the process would be to get the lines redrawn.

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You definately need to check the laws within the town. Some places are getting pretty picky about splitting up lots ;)


Has the neighbor metioned selling? Because if they have then they may of already gone to the town.. The dividing is really up to them, they should be contacting the town/county to find out.

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Right now it is more wishful thinking on my part. We would have to approach the neighbor still. Obviously since we would be the one offering to buy the property he doesn't know he wants to sell yet, we would do and pay for the leg work required.

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I would check with your zoning or town board first. In some places it's easy to do. In others it's impossible (literally). Then there's everything in between. If you seriously want to consider it, you need to find out the steps and costs involved and then see if you're able and willing to do it. Then, when you go to your neighbor, you're armed with facts. Of course, they could simply say, "no" too, but if they waver, they will be more favorable if they hear facts IMO.


Hubby does this as part of his living and said there is no one simple answer. Even communities next to each other have different ideas and ways of doing it. GENERALLY, (he said) it's fairly easy if you're just changing boundaries of bordering properties and not planning on building anything new. However, in some places it might change dynamics of minimums required, etc. Hence, check specifics for your case.

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