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Science HS credit vs dual enrollment credit...

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Here's my problem:

DS took biology in the 8th grade and really, really did not like all the disecting stuff. He took chemistry this year (9th grade) and seemed to like it okay.


He is now going to start taking dual enrollment courses at the local college. I just found out he is required to take two science classes with labs for HS graduation. I don't know why this did not occur to me before now....sigh. He does not want to take biology again and chemistry will already be on his trascript. Can I call the course he took this year HS Chemistry and let him take the class at the college too? Has anyone else run into this?


He is interested in botany type stuff so science will be important and I don't want any red flags going up when universities look at his transcript.


Many thanks for your help:)

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I required four sciences for high school graduation for my students. My older daughter took Biology, Chemistry and Astronomy at home, then took Chemistry and Physics at the CC. I called the CC course "Advanced Chemstry" on my transcript, and gave credit for both courses. The Chemistry and Physics (both lab courses) at the CC meant she didn't have to take any other science for her BA, either.

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Mine took chemistry in 9th and then Chem I/Chem II in his senior year. I put the course code on the transcript and labeled them with the course names. You could also put the biology on the transcript, even if it was taken in 8th, if it was a high school level class. It's fairly standard in my area of Florida for students to count high school level classes taken in 8th and even 7th grade.



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Our CC also has several lab sciences besides Biology - including Botany!

Our CC has tons of science classes with lab: Astronomy, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Field Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physical Geology, Oceanography, and Physics to name a few.


Thank goodness this is not a unique problem.


I love learning from those who have gone before me:)


Thanks ladies.

Thanks for asking the question. I had been wondering the same thing as ds will take Physics in 9th and may repeat it sometime at CC.

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