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National Latin Exam (for next year)

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Thanks, it's very interesting but it does not help me in planning. I don't currently own Latin for Children C, and am not sure what it covers. I want to get to where my son needs to be for the exam next year.


I get the feeling LfC C might be enough for the Latin part, but not necessarily for the Roman life part.

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Yes, there are a lot of levels; however, some students start Latin in Middle School or at a young age. My teen started Latin I (outside the home) in 8th grade. This year, as an 11th grader, she'll be taking the Latin 4 exam.




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The 2006 exam has the key at the end, but I must be blind, or the 2007 exam simply doesn't have the key.

I just checked and you're right! I think they must have been somewhere online because we used all the previous exams for practice. I wonder if they moved them once they posted the 2008 questions and answers...

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thanks for confirming I'm not going crazy.. (or crazier)


Based on my home made key, my son just scored 37/40 on the Intro exam, and 31/40 on Latin I. We're in good shape! :D On Latin I, three errors were on Roman Life.


There's one question that I don't know how to correct.


It says:


Cūr, ____________, irātus es? Vexantne tē puellae?

A) Antōniō B) Antōnī C) Antōniōs D) Antōnius


Wouldn't this be the Vocative Antōnie? It's not one of the answers.

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We haven't gotten the results from this year, but the one question my dd missed from last year was about Roman life. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on that, it's impossible to know every possibility :)


Both years we've spent a few weeks doing practice tests - that's been her Latin for those two weeks or so. Then she would take the test and return to her regular Latin schedule. If your ds has done that well "cold", he should ace it next year with just a little practice :)

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