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Grammar...please help me work through this...

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Yes, I have a bit of a confession to make. :o After all of my talk about how much I love Queen's Language Lessons for the Very Young, I don't think it is enough for my ds7. Don't get me wrong, I still love the program and will continue using it for my little guy this year, but my oldest is a "word" guy, reads way above grade level, and I don't think is being challenged enough. Recently we have changed things up a bit and have taken a more relaxed approach to school. It is working well for us, but like I said, I don't think he is being challenged enough. I want to continue being "relaxed" in the sense of taking things slow and really making sure they "get" the material we are working on, not necessarily worrying about grade level placement and getting things done by the "end of the year" (we school year round anyways), but I want them to also be challenged and use their brains...my oldest especially needs this. Oh, and he likes workbooks so I really want to incorporate those into our work.


So, with all that being said, here is where I am at...


1. Continue working through Queen's and switching to a more "rigorous" approach down the road (4th grade or so). Plus, I am going to start teaching Latin next year so he'll get grammar with that, right? Although, I am starting with Song School Latin and I think that works mainly with vocabulary first. (Please correct me if I am wrong).


2. Switch back to FLL and create my own "worksheets" for him using the lessons outlined in the book and then go onto FLL 3 and 4. I have looked more carefully at the program and like what I see. The only thing I hesitate with is it being totally teacher lead. I am a little nervous about trying to fit everything in next year with both boys (I don't know how you moms with multiples do it!).


3. I have looked into GWG and also like what I see. From what I have read, it is a more "gentler" approach to Grammar, yet looks "meatier" than Queen's and not quite so "meaty" as FLL. Am I right on this? Plus, it also looks like it could be used more independently by the student.


Also, IF I switch back to FLL for the remainder of this year and next, could I transition over to GWG without missing anything? I am thinking he could work more independently then. I am leaning more towards options 2 or 3 but would go with 1 if it would be best in the long run. UGH! Why is this so hard?!? :banghead:


Am I missing anything? :confused: What are your thoughts?

Thanks so much for helping me work through this!

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Recently we have changed things up a bit and have taken a more relaxed approach to school. It is working well for us, but like I said, I don't think he is being challenged enough. I want to continue being "relaxed" in the sense of taking things slow and really making sure they "get" the material we are working on, not necessarily worrying about grade level placement and getting things done by the "end of the year" (we school year round anyways), but I want them to also be challenged and use their brains...my oldest especially needs this. Oh, and he likes workbooks so I really want to incorporate those into our work.


If you want to challenge your son in grammar, then I can't think of a more rigorous program than R&S grammar. You can purchase the worksheets and use them like a workbook (the pages are perforated, so you can tear them out too). To give the program a "more relaxed" feel, you can do the lessons orally. It's a challenging program, but you didn't mention it in your options, so I thought I would throw it in.

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1. Continue working through Queen's and switching to a more "rigorous" approach down the road (4th grade or so). Plus, I am going to start teaching Latin next year so he'll get grammar with that, right? Although, I am starting with Song School Latin and I think that works mainly with vocabulary first. (Please correct me if I am wrong).


This is what I opt for and I'll tell you why.


Your reasons for using Queen's or products like it are still there regardless of what has been said here. It is a gentle approach to LA in the early years. It is all he needs at this point, 4th grade and up would be a good time to beef it up so to speak so you may not want to continue with Queen's at that point. I would consider Junior Analytical Grammar in 4th or 5th and find a writing program you like. You have time now to start considering writing programs- what you will like on the teacher end and what may be for your son.


You could add Writing Tales or another gentle writing program in next year or 4th and then you could feel more secure. I have PLL, Writing Tales 1, ILL and Writing Aids so I feel pretty set with plans to include Analytical Grammar, possibly JAG during 5th. I don't think you need to panic or feel insecure at all. That is a hazard of participating on boards like these, each of us have different aims, perspectives and goals for our individual homeschools so when a product we're using is critiqued by others- it feels like an attack on what we've chosen for our own journeys.


I feel secure because I have researched for myself, I have looked at programs and bought products that I feel will work for us so that I can really look at them. I've been blessed not to have to buy all the stuff I've been curious about (thanks to friends willing to mail me stuff to look at) and I feel confident about the path I've chosen. Writing Aids is my back-up plan, if I feel other things we're doing is not working Writing Aids is a K-12 writing program that I can supplement with or switch 100% to at any time. I personally prefer the CM LA for the early years and for my kids.


If the Queen thread only brought up insecurities that were already there, then find out what you need to feel comfortable with whatever you'll use. You can always beef up or scale back, you are in control- not the products.


I hope this helps


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Classical Writing, which you could begin in 3rd grade. You could begin R&S at 3rd grade also if you wish, or wait a year and begin with level 4. With CW Aesop, you can tailor the vocabulary level to fit your child, because you choose the words from the story to study and analyze. You can adjust the pace as best fits your needs.

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Yes, I have a bit of a confession to make. :o After all of my talk about how much I love Queen's Language Lessons for the Very Young, I don't think it is enough for my ds7.


Brittney, same thing happened here! Remember *me* raving about Queen? Well we dropped it.


I am doing FLL 1 with my ds6 and FLL 3 with my dd 9, and we love it. I *really* like FLL 3, it is awesome!


I am having no problem fitting it in, even with 5 kids. In fact *I* teach the FLL 1 and 3 with those 2 kids, Latin to the 2 olders using whiteboard and notebooks, OPG to Reading, Read Science to my ds6, teach 3 levels of new math concepts daily, give assignments for the older 3 in literature/reading, science, etc... a story everyday to my ds4 and we are still done by noon.


We do history/Bible in the afternoon as a family.


You can do it! It took me about 3 weeks to get our 'routine' down pat, and for the kids to be 'trained' for our school time. it's working great.



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