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Anyone used this instrument before trying the recorder? I would really like to start some simple music lessons, but I am afraid that my dc will have big problems covering the holes completely with a recorder. I use to teach music in school and we did not start recorder till 3rd grade because of this.


Oh, my dc's ages are 5 and 6 and they are small for their size. Did you have problems with dc this age being able to cover the holes in a recorder?


What instruction books would be good for flutophone?

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The Flutophone would be a perfect fit for your children. It is shorter than the recorder and the holes are closer together. It has a pretty good tone for a inexpensive instrument. We have been using Nine-Note Recorder Method by Penny Gardner along with it. HTH



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Here's one place to get a precorder.




Flutophones have kind of been replaced by recorders as the pre-band instrument in schools, so may not be available locally, but the big online music stores, like Brook Mays, West, LMI and the like will carry them.


Precorders and recorders can play together, but you may have to simplify the part for precorder students.

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Here's precorders on Suzuki's site. Be aware that their pricing reflects school-level quantities. They are a good place to get bundles. In addition, while I don't like their Orff instruments for classroom use (they simply don't stand up to 20+ kids every hour, every day), they're wonderful for home use (or something like church children's choirs), and are VERY reasonably priced.



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I learned flutophone in school for a couple of years, starting in the fourth grade. I'm from Baltimore, and it seems that it is popular in elementary schools there (the Calvert School, which is based in Baltimore, uses flutophone in its Discoveries in Music program). My teacher used mimeographed handwritten sheets to teach us; later, when I wanted to introduce to my own children, I realized she copied the lessons from Music-Time for Flutophone and Other Pre-Band Instruments. The fingerings for flutophone are very similar to recorder but are not exactly the the same. So if flutophone is going to be an introduction to recorder, you may have to do some re-teaching. If you plan to go on to another woodwind instrument, it may not matter.

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