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I think I got through to MIL and FIL!


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I casually mentioned before that MIL and FIL weren't in support of us homeschooling the kids. I think I made some ground today


We stopped by MIL and FIL today, drop something off, pick up dd11 and to wish MIL Happy Mother's day.


While on our visit, I made a point to talk about school with dd11. I have found some really cool art lessons that are Tuesday mornings for homeschool kids :thumbup:. They do all age groups during the same time period! This is good. I told her about the park day her sister and I went to, she was a little sad she missed out, but was happy to hear there was a girl or two I thought she'd like. There are classes on drawing, sculpting, painting, mask making, faces.... a few more, and that is just for May and June. MIL commented that that sounded good, but going to get expensive. I told her we were paying about $60 a month for field trips plus $45 for bussing a month. So the $17/week for the art classes was a savings of $38 a month. She looked a little surprised..lol


Then I spoke to MIL, telling her how shocked I was that dd6 was so left behind at school. Told her the marks of the papers we'd found in her bag. Then I started telling her about the things that NONE of the kids have learned. She was shocked, even outraged, especially that the little one had been left behind. Appalled that none of the kids had a good grammar foundation. And when dd6 said "Mama showed me how to READ!" and she started sound out words from different things and did quite well, Nana could only smile and tell her "Awesome!"


So I don't think dh is going to get much more flack from his mom about the girls falling behind by being home..lol

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