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Field trips around SW Iowa and SE Neb

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I am in need of some field trip ideas for SW Iowa/SE Nebraska area.

I know we will be going to the Omaha zoo.

I am considering John Brown's Cave in Nebraska City, as we recently studied the Civil War. I see it has been renamed and expanded, correct? Is it worth the trip?

What else??

I would really like something related to Lewis and Clark, but I haven't had much luck finding anything more than single monument or named highway in this area.

Child is 3rd grade. We have been studying American history, though soon will be shifting gears to ancient Greece. Child likes animals, art, science, historical museums.

Thank you so much!

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There is a visitor's center near Omaha about the Mormon pioneers--they wintered in this area, actually at 'Winter Quarters' on their pioneer trek to Utah. This website has some info: http://www.lds.org/placestovisit/location/0,10634,1837-1-1-1,00.html

I've never been there, so I can't recommend it personally, but it was the first thing I thought of in that geographical area.

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I highly recommend the Omaha Zoo. It is phenomenal.


The Underground Railroad site in Nebraska City is called Mayhew Cabin. We were there with Scouts about a month ago. It isn't John Brown's cabin, but an acquaintance of John Brown stayed there. It is pretty neat, but it won't take long to visit. There is a re-created village behind the cabin which my son loved. Nebraska City also has a Lewis and Clark site. We have yet to visit, though others have said it is pretty neat. Nebraska City is also the home of Arbor Day. The Tree Adventure is a fan favorite here.


Omaha has tons to do. We haven't been to everything yet, though we do love the Joslyn Art Museum. Someone else mentioned the Winter Quarters. We haven't visited, but I hear it is nice. Omaha also has a Latino museum. The name escapes me at the moment, but that is also on our list.


I hope you find something neat to do here.

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