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I think I have a convert.

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This weekend dd6 and I went to a homeschool park day, and homeschool expo. I learned some things, and was very pleased with the park experience.


There was a girl, about 10-12, and she decided to strike up a conversation with me. Very sweet girl. She also asked if it was ok if she could play with dd6, she helped her on the more difficult climbing structures, keeping close watch on her. She had 2 younger brothers around playing, and they were polite and considerate, and they were a little bigger than dd, and giving her tips on the climbing wall, what rock was in her reach, etc.


Had dd11and dd13 been there, they would have made a friend that day. We plan on attending other park days as well. As dd6 had a blast, I met some very nice people.


It was so cute while I was signing on with the support group, one of the ladies asked how old my kitten was(dd6 still had make up on from her dance competition), dd6 giggled and told her. She was asked how old she was, she said she was 6. Then she was asked if she was kinder or grade 1. And dd6 says, "Grade 1 and I'm HOMESCHOOLED!!!!". The lady responded with much enthusiasm, and told her that was fantastic, and so great that mom and dad can do that for her. DD said, "Yup, because all we did at school was the smart board and recess, and MOM showed me how to READ! And I have my very own books and I READ!" I could have cried.

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This weekend dd6 and I went to a homeschool park day, and homeschool expo. I learned some things, and was very pleased with the park experience.


There was a girl, about 10-12, and she decided to strike up a conversation with me. Very sweet girl. She also asked if it was ok if she could play with dd6, she helped her on the more difficult climbing structures, keeping close watch on her. She had 2 younger brothers around playing, and they were polite and considerate, and they were a little bigger than dd, and giving her tips on the climbing wall, what rock was in her reach, etc.


Had dd11and dd13 been there, they would have made a friend that day. We plan on attending other park days as well. As dd6 had a blast, I met some very nice people.


It was so cute while I was signing on with the support group, one of the ladies asked how old my kitten was(dd6 still had make up on from her dance competition), dd6 giggled and told her. She was asked how old she was, she said she was 6. Then she was asked if she was kinder or grade 1. And dd6 says, "Grade 1 and I'm HOMESCHOOLED!!!!". The lady responded with much enthusiasm, and told her that was fantastic, and so great that mom and dad can do that for her. DD said, "Yup, because all we did at school was the smart board and recess, and MOM showed me how to READ! And I have my very own books and I READ!" I could have cried.

:thumbup: I wish I could have heard your little girl. That's so precious.

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My ds is big for her age (just turned four in March) and people constantly ask her how old she is (and are amazed when she says four), then they ask where she goes to school. She always answers, "We do homeschool!" I am so happy every time she says that! YAY for homeschooling!! :D

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