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Curious how combining Sonlight Cores works


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There is NO way I can afford 2 cores to do simultaneously. I don't know how you guys do it!!


I was looking at core 7 for american history. I will have a 7th and 5th grader the following year if I decide to go down this path. I also looked at core 4, but it's too easy for my older son. How would I combine a 5th and 7th grader in Core 7? Would it be too difficult for my 5th grader?

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Are you looking at an older Core?


Currently, Cores 6 and 7 are parts 1 and 2 of world history. Core 100 is American history. Core 7 does have a lot of American history in it, but the focus is on world history.


I think Core 100 is fine for your 7th grader. You will need to make some adjustments for your 5th grader, but it's feasible. History of US is a middle school text and would be easily understood by a 5th grader. Nearly all the books in Core 100 are late elementary or middle school level. This Core used to be called Core 7 until world history was expanded into a two-year program.

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No, I was looking on the website. I called it American history, but it really is world history. Core 100 seems like it might be more difficult?? Is 100 just American history, then?


I'd like to use SOTW with Sonlight, which I think is just 6 and 7, correct?

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Cores 6 and 7 are parts 1 and 2 of world history and they use SOTW. Core 6 using SOTW 1&2. Core 7 uses SOTW 3&4. Either one would work for your 5th and 7th graders. I used Core 6 with 2nd and 5th graders. I used Core 7 with 3rd, 6th, and 8th graders.


You probably won't have to make many changes at all for a 5th grader using Core 6 or Core 7. The history will be fine for both. You may want to swap some of the readalouds and readers, saving the more difficult books for your 7th grader to use as readers. I did some swapping around of readers and readalouds, but not a ton.

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Cores 6 and 7 are two years worth of world history and would probably be perfect for your kids. Start with core 6 this year with both of them and then move to core 7 next year. Or, if you only want one year of world history, use alt.7 core which is cores 6and7 combined.

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Cores 6 and 7 are two years worth of world history and would probably be perfect for your kids. Start with core 6 this year with both of them and then move to core 7 next year. Or, if you only want one year of world history, use alt.7 core which is cores 6and7 combined.


And I'd never do 2 cores with kids that are only 2 years apart! Mine are 3.5 years and 4 grades apart, and I still combine them. I always buy for the oldest - and it sounds like if your younger one is advanced then you should do the same. Do Core 6 if you haven't done Ancients/Medieval in a while... if you're just finishing that up then go right into Core 7.

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We've had 3 kids doing SL 5 this year and book sharing hasn't been a problem. They know how much reading they have to do each week and adjust their daily schedule if the book is being used (i.e. do another subject until the book is available). The only thing we did have to work on was learning to always put the book back on the bookshelf when they were done...a few times we had to hunt for the book before the others could read it. ;)


We did have two copies for a few of the books and it was nice, but not necessary.



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I only had one copy of each book. I just swapped the order between my oldest and my middle. They read the books much faster than SL scheduled, so they always read a lot of additional books. I also did some swapping of books between the reader and readaloud lists. I'll cut&paste what they did below so you can see how I swapped out the order.


Sarah's readers -- 8th grade

Great and Terrible Quest

Assassin (Finney) - 1st Lady Grace Mystery - set during Queen Elizabeth's reign

Murder for Her Majesty - set during Queen Elizabeth's reign (she was in ps when I read this aloud to my other girls)

Beware, Princess Elizabeth

The Iron Peacock

Pirates (Rees)

Three Musketeers (abbreviated version)

Captain Grey (Avi)

Ravenmaster's Secret (Woodruff)

Marie Antoinette (Lasky) Royal Diary

Golden Hour (Williams)

Catherine of Russia (Gregory) Royal Diary

Court of the Stone Children (Cameron) Nina goes back in time to the French Revolution

Cecile: Gates of Gold (Casanova)

George Washington, Spymaster (Allen)

The Importance of Napoleon Bonaparte (Carroll)

Only the Names Remain - trail of tears

Secret Journey - London girl stows away on ship and ends up stranded

From the Earth to the Moon (Verne)

Saba (Kurtz) Girls of Many Lands 1849 Ethiopia

Safe Return (Dexter)

Broken Blade

Gate in the Wall (Howard)

Victoria (Kirwan) - England 1829, Royal Diary series

The Good Master

Kazunomiya (Lasky) - Royal Diaries, Japan -1858

Anna and the King (Landon)

The Story of Florence Nightingale (Leighton)

Rebels of the Heavenly Kingdom (Paterson) - Taiping Rebellion in China

Night Journey (Lasky) - Tsarist pogroms

Kaiulani (White) - Royal Diaries, Hawaii 1889

Nory Ryan's Song (Giff) - Irish potato famine

Secret of the Ruby Ring (MacGrory) - Ireland 1885

Journey to the River Sea (Ibbotson) - early 1900's Amazon

Angel on the Square (Whelan) - Russian Revolution

Impossible Journey (Whelan) - sequel to Angel on the Square

Shadows of Ghadames (Stolz) - late 19th century Libya

Escape from Warsaw

Star of Kazaan (Ibbotson)

Snow Treasure (McSwigan) - Norway, WWII

Stones in Water (Napoli) - Italy, WWII

When My Name Was Keoko (Park) - Korea, WWII

I Am David (Holm) - cold war eastern Europe

Breadwinner (Ellis) - Taliban

Camel Rider (Mason) - modern day middle east

Chu Ju's House (Whelan)



Beth’s readers -- 6th grade

Jahanara (Lasky) - Royal Diary

Westmark (Alexander) - book club

Leyla: The Black Tulip (Croutier) - Girls of Many Lands, Turkey, 1720

Ben and Me (Lawson)

Ravenmaster's Secret (Woodruff) - set in 1735 at the Tower of London

Prince Across the Water (Yolen) - 1745-1746, attempts to restore Bonnie Prince Charlie to the throne

Carl Linnaeus (Anderson)


Catherine of Russia (Gregory) Royal Diary

Cabin Faced West (Fritz)

Marie Antoinette (Lasky) Royal Diary

Golden Hour (Williams)

Cecile: Gates of Gold (Casanova) set during the reign of Louis XIV

Court of the Stone Children (Cameron)

Dr Jenner and the Specked Monster - smallpox

George Washington, Spymaster (Allen)

Gate in the Wall (Howard) - industrial age in England

Saba (Kurtz) Girls of Many Lands1849 Ethiopia

Ivanhoe (Scott) - historical fiction written in 1800's about medieval times

Wishbone books - Journey to the Center of the Earth, Oliver Twist

Victoria (Kirwan) - England 1829, Royal Diary series

Elisabeth (Denenberg) - Austria-Hungary 1853, Royal Diary series

Spring Pearl (Yep) - Canton 1857, Girls of Many Lands series

Kazunomiya (Lasky) - Royal Diaries, Japan -1858

The Apprenticeship of Lucas Whitaker (DeFelice) - set in 1849

Collected Short Stories (Tolstoy)

The Story of Florence Nightingale (Leighton)

Anna and the King (Landon)

The Good Master (Seredy) - Hungary

Back to the Day Lincoln Was Shot (Gormley)

Wishbone - Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Twain)

The Illyrian Adventure (Alexander) - set in late 19th century Illyria

Kaiulani (White) - Royal Diaries, Hawaii 1889

Secret of the Ruby Ring (MacGrory) - Ireland 1885

Night Journey (Lasky) - Russian pogroms against Jews

Journey to the River Sea (Ibbotson) - early 1900's Amazon

Twenty-one Balloons (du Bois)

Angel on the Square (Whelan) - Russian Revolution

Impossible Journey (Whelan) - sequel to Angel on the Square+

Neela (Divakaruni) - Royal Diaries, India 19--

When My Name Was Keoko (Park) - Korea under Japanese occupation during WWII

Snow Treasure (McSwigan) - Norway, WWII

Escape from Warsaw (Serraillier) - Poland, WWII

Homeless Bird (Whelan) - modern India

Camel Rider (Mason) - modern day middle east

Chu Ju's House (Whelan) - modern day China

Breadwinner (Ellis) - Taliban

I Am David (Holm) - cold war eastern Europe



Murder for Her Majesty

Madeline Takes Command

Escape Across the Wide Sea

The Kidnapped Prince

Arrow over the Door

George vs. George

Sherwood Ring

Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Why Not, Lafayette (Fritz)

Betsy and the Emperor

A Christmas Carol (Dickens)

Great Expectations

Banner in the Sky

The Singing Tree

Listening to Lions

Number the Stars

The Endless Steppe

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If you have more than one child doing the same core, do you get 2 of the same book? That seems expensive, too. I think it would be hard to share books.


My kids (7th and 5th this year, doing SL core 5) don't read at the same pace. My oldest reads faster. So what I do is not worry so much about whether they are reading the books exactly according to schedule. Usually I start the year by having my youngest read the 2nd or 3rd reader on the schedule, and have my oldest start off with the first. I use the one-page check-list at the front of the IG and check off books as they read them. When my youngest is done with the first book I gave her, then I give her the first book (if oldest is done with it), and usually from then on they progress through the readers pretty much in order. If one has a book when another needs it, I just pull the next one after that & come back to the one skipped. Usually after a month or two, my oldest is a full book ahead & it's no longer an issue. Occasionally I drop one of the harder books for my youngest.


I know some people have their kids read the same book at the same time, but I like doing it this way & not having to worry who has the book & whether it got put away for the other to read it or whether they are done with it when the other is ready to do reading etc...


As to whether Core 7 would be too much for a 5th grader--for a lot of 5th graders it would be. Generally I like to do SL cores so that both of my kids are in the recommended age range, but I know some people combine differently and it works for them.


Merry :-)

Edited by MerryAtHope
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We've had 3 kids doing SL 5 this year and book sharing hasn't been a problem. They know how much reading they have to do each week and adjust their daily schedule if the book is being used (i.e. do another subject until the book is available). The only thing we did have to work on was learning to always put the book back on the bookshelf when they were done...a few times we had to hunt for the book before the others could read it. ;)


We did have two copies for a few of the books and it was nice, but not necessary.




When we did SL this is what we did. We're not doing SL anymore, but we still read the same books at the same time for history. We have a place on the school desk where the reader goes and it's rare that we can't find it when the other kid needs to read it. I just have the kid who takes longer with math start with math and the other start with reading then move on to math. It never takes him longer to read than it takes her to do her math.


I like this because we have better discussions this way when we're all reading the same books at the same time.:D


I did get two copies of a couple of the books because I found them at the thrift store for $0.25, can't beat that! But, mostly they shared.

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I only have my list for the 2nd half of Core 6. My oldest went to ps for 6th and 7th grades. I ended up trying to supplement up from Core 1 for my 1st and 4th graders, but that didn't go very well. The next year I used the 2nd half of Core 6 with my 2nd and 5th graders. That worked much better.


Here's the reader list for my 5th grader spreading the 2nd half of Core 6 over a full year.

Tales of King Arthur (Usborne)

Black Horses for the King (McCaffrey)

Beduin's Gazelle

Favorite Medieval Tales (Osborne)

Trolley to Yesterday (Bellairs)

Princess of the Moon and Stars - Royal Diaries series, set in 6th century Korea

The Saga of Erik the Viking (Jones)

Favorite Norse Tales (Osborne)

Gods and Goddesses of Vikings and Northlands (Ashworth)

Lost Diary of Erik the Red, Viking Warrior (Barlow and Skidmore)

How to Train Your Dragon (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III)

Viking It and Liking It (Scieza)

Knights and Castles (Osborne) - Magic Treehouse research guide

The Apple and the Arrow - SLK

Eleanor: Crown Jewel of Aquitaine (Royal Diary)

Ballad of Sir Dinadan (Morris)

The Squire's Tale (Morris) - King Arthur tale

Girl in a Cage (Yolen) - daughter of Robert the Bruce is put in a cage by King Edward

Adam of the Road - SL6

Goose Girl (Hale) - adaptation of goose girl story for book club

Dragon: Hound of Honor (Edwards) - set in medieval France

King Herla's Quest (Map) - collection of medieval folktales

Catherine, Called Birdy

The Second Mrs. Giaconda

Daughter of Venice (Napoli)

The Warhorse (Bolognese) - Renaissance Italy

Whittington (Armstrong) - medieval

Westing Game - SL6

Galileo and the Universe (Parker)

Mary, Bloody Mary

Assassin, Betrayal, Conspiracy, Deception (Finney) - Lady Grace Mysteries

King of Shadows (Cooper)

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza (Hodges)

Queen's Own Fool (Yolen&Harris) - Mary, Queen of Scots

Pocahontas and the Strangers (Bulla)

Nzinga - Royal Diaries

Persian Folk and Fairy Tales (Mehdevi)

Antoni Leeuwenhoek: First to see microscopic life (Yount)

Ghost in Tokaido Inn - samurai Japan

In Darkness, Death (Hoobler) - samurai Japan


And here's what we did for readalouds (2nd and 5th graders).

String on a Harp (Bond)

A Single Shard (Parks) - SL6

Captured by Vikings (Hauger)

Viking Ships at Sunrise (Osborne)

Knights at Dawn (Osborne)

Castle Diary - SL2

The Whipping Boy - SL2

Great and Terrible Quest - SL6

Robin Hood (DK book)

Minstrel in the Tower - SL2

Door in the Wall - SL2

Kat and the Emperor's Gift (Bradford) - Kublai Khan

Master Cornhill - SL6

The Apprentice (SL2)

Kat and the Missing Notebooks

I, Juan de Pareja - SL6

Shakespeare Stealer - SL6

Stage Fright on a Summer Night

A Murder for Her Majesty - SL6

Thanksgiving on Thursday - Magic Treehouse

Pirates Past Sundown - Magic Treehouse

Samurai's Tale (SL6)






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I do have the list of books that we used for ancients, but I don't have it sorted out into reader and readaloud. The books marked with an * were at our library. I gave this list to the librarian to put in the homeschool binder.




* Sunset of the Sabertooth (Osborne) - Jack and Annie travel back in time, ages 4 and up

Boy of the Painted Cave (Denzel) - boy wants to be a cave painter




* So You Want to Be an Egyptian Princess (Morley) - even has a job interview, ages 4 and up

* Mummies Made in Egypt (Aliki) - ages 4 and up

* Mummies in the Morning (Osborne) - Jack and Annie travel back in time, ages 4 and up

* Mummies and Pyramids (Osborne) - nonfiction companion book to Mummies in the Morning, ages 8 and up

* Tut's Mummy: Lost and Found (Donnelly) - discovery of King Tut's tomb, ages 5 and up

Usborne Time Travelers: Egyptian section, ages 5 and up

A Place in the Sun (Rubalcaba), ages 8 and up

Kat and the Secrets of the Nile (Bradford) Kat travels back in time to help Howard Carter excavate Tut's tomb, ages 8 and up

The Lost Diary of Tutankhamun's Mummy (Dickinson) spoof, ages 7 and up

* "Mummies Unwrapped" - video by National Geographic, ages 6 and up


Africa in general


* Lion's Whisker's (Ashabrannar) stories from Africa, ages 8 and up




Usborne Book of Greek Mythology for Young Children - ages 4 and up

* D'aulaire's Book of Greek Mythology - pretty intense, ages 8 and up

* The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks won the war (Little), ages 4 and up

Tales of the Trojan War (Usborne) - my kids have enjoyed it at 6yo, ages 6 and up

Adventures of Ulysses (Usborne) - my kids have enjoyed it at 6yo, ages 6 and up

* Tales of the Odyssey (Osborne) - 6 book series, ages 8 and up

Jason and the Argonausts (Osborne) - story of Jason and the golden fleece, ages 7 and up

* Librarian Who Measured the Earth (Lasky) - picture biography about Eratosthenes, ages 4 and up

* Hour of the Olympics (Osborne) - Jack and Annie go back in time, ages 4 and up, ages 4 and up

Archimedes Takes a Bath (Lexan) - picture book story of Archimedes discovering the principle of water displacement, ages 4 and up

* Archimedes and the Door of Science (Bendick) - not just a biography, lots of science and very funny in parts, ages 8 and up

Lion in the Gateway (Renault) - battles between the Greeks and Persians, age 8 and up

* Alexander the Great (Green) - biography, ages 8 and up

* The Greek News (Powell), ages 8 and up

Have a Hot Time, Hades (McMullan) - book 1 in Myth-O-Mania series, ages 8 and up

Phone Home, Persephone (McMullan) - book 2 in Myth-O-Mania series, ages 8 and up

Say Cheese, Medusa (McMullan) - book 3 in Myth-O-Mania series, ages 8 and up

Nice Shot, Cupid (McMullan) - book 4 in Myth-O-Mania series, ages 8 and up

Stop That Bull, Theseus (McMullan) - book 5 in Myth-O-Mania series, ages 8 and up

Aesop's Fables (Winter) - there are many different versions, but this is my favorite, ages 4 and up

Pandora of Athens (Denenberg) - young Greek woman meets Socrates, ages 8 and up





* Day of the Dragon King (Osborne) - Jack and Annie go back in time, ages 4 and up

* Great Wall of China (Fisher) - ages 4 and up




* Vacation under the Volcano (Osborne) - Jack and Annie go back in time, ages 4 and up

* Thieves of Ostia (Lawrence) - four children solve a mystery in ancient Rome, 1st book in a series, ages 6 and up

* Cleopatra (Stanley) - picture biography, ages 5 and up

* Royal Diaries: Cleopatra VII - book ages 9 and up, video ages 6 and up

* Galen: My Life as a Roman (Moss) - ages 7 and up

* Roman News (Langley) - ages 8 and up

Usborne Time Travelers - Roman section, ages 5 and up

Lost Diary of Julius Caesar's Slave (Barlow and Skidmore) - spoof, ages 7 and up

Detectives in Togas (Winterfield) - seven boys solve a mystery in ancient Rome, ages 6 and up

Mystery of the Roman Ransom (Winterfield) - sequel to Detectives in Togas, ages 6 and up

The Beast of Lor (Bulla) - boy finds an escaped elephant, ages 6 and up

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