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Help! Potty training adise PLEASE!

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My dd will be 2 next month. She pretty much started to train herself to go pee on the potty. She's been wearing panties for 1 1/2 weeks now with only a few pee accidents. However, she doesn't BM on the potty yet, she goes in her panties. :ack2: I need help. She gets away from me for just a few minutes to do her duty, then tells me afterwards. I've been trying to keep an eye on her, but with 2 older kids, school, meals, and housework, I'm having a hard time giving her my 100% undivided attention where she has no chance of sneaking off. Any ideas! TIA!

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I have the same situation with my dd age almost 3. Except she waits until I put her diaper on for nap and goes then. So far, I just remind her..."remember it is better to go on the potty, you are big now." Then I calmly change her.


dd #1 did not have this problem and the control freak in me is hysterical (inside).


I am sure it would be even worse if she was making a mess in panties that I had to clean up.


Yours is younger though. I would give it a few weeks. That said, mine has been doing her nap time poop for over a month now!:tongue_smilie:

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What worked here was some time on the potty right after breakfast (whenever the usual "poop" time is). I used a small, portable potty seat and I gave my child a big cup of apple juice with a straw while she sat on the potty. The apple juice brings on the sensation pretty quickly & with enough intensity that we weren't sitting for long before success! You could also use chocolate milk or something high in calories should work well. I used a portable potty seat so that I could put it wherever I needed to be at that time. I think kids sometimes just need to practice p'ing while sitting down... Just my guess and I hope you find relief soon...






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I agree with Sue about having her sit on the potty about the time she goes off to do her business.


I'd be so tempted to put her in a diaper for that time of day. Oh - wait a minute - what do you think she'd do if she had nothing on her bottom? This was effective with my dd for pee pee. But I bet it could work with poo poo! I'd keep her in a controlled location though!


My last child verbalized something, that I've wondered if all little people have thought. The first time he sat on the potty to go - he looked at us in shock - and informed us that his bottom had just fallen off!!:lol: Ever since - I have thought that this must be the reason that so many littles don't like to poop on the potty!!


She's so young - so I can't suggest what I did with one of my dc, an idea I got from another mom here on the board! But my child was older, and a cold shower to clean off his behind was enough to convince him it was better to use the toilet! Don't do this with your baby though - like I said she's just too young. And how great is it that she's not yet two but can already manage going #1 on her own! Yeah, Mom!!!

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I have taken everything on the bottom off and seeing if it will make a difference. When she started going #1 by herself, I took them off for a few hours one morn and that's all it took. Today, she waited until naptime and then went a little in there. So we'll see what happens!


Thanks for all the suggestions everybody. Unfortunately she doesn't go at the same time each day so I've just been having her sit on it for a while when I know she hasn't gone for a while. I tried the apple juice thing today. It didn't help just yet, but I will try again.


I agree she's too little to make this a punishment issue. I did use the cold water thing when my older daughter was having accidents after I was sure she was trained and had been doing it for a while. I think my youngest is just scared of having a BM on the potty for now.

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Yesterday I kept her panties off and kept her near me. Of course with no panties on I kept a better eye on her. Well, in the afternoon as we were reading History she started tooting and I asked her if she wanted candy. She said yes and so I told her she needed to go poop on the potty and she did it!!!:party: I gave her a bunch of Skittles and we all cheered. I figured this would be all she would need.


So this morning I decided to keep the undies off just in case, but I have to admit, I really thought she wouldn't poop anywhere except the potty. I was way too smug! This afternoon she snuck upstairs with my son for less than 5 minutes and she pooped in his closet!:eek: So I had her come and help me clean it up(it was not messy at all) and we took it and put it in the potty and I just told her that's where poopies need to go.


So tomorrow is another day. We will try again. I sure hope it only takes a little longer.:tongue_smilie:


Ohio 12, I sure hope your litte one decides to go soon too! It can be frustrating at times!

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