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SOTW vs. K12's Human Odyssey vs. something else?


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I'm new here and hsing my almost 12 yr old dd. She loves the Joy Hakim Story of US and I'm trying decide whether to continue with K12's curriculum for World History. Does anyone here know there Human Odyssey texts? I've briefly looked at SOTW but it seems too young for her. She has been reading college level material since she was nine and I would like to challenge her historical thinking more. She will be starting Hakim's Story of Science next year, and I would really like a good history companion for her to read along with it.


Any insights are welcome!


Michelle in Portland

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I much prefer K12's Human Odyssey for older kids. SOTW is wonderful for the grade 1-4 set, but it is not enough for older kids. I haven't used the online portion though, so I can't give any information about that.

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I have all three volumes of K12 HO, and I love them! Now, we've only started the first volume (we're in Egypt), but it's lived up to what I hoped for so far. I also bought the teacher and student guides, which give additional things to do (comprehension, mapwork, writing assignments, unit assessments, etc.) I have not signed up for the online course, just doing it on our own with extra reading, videos, etc. My dds are also almost 12.


I also bought all the Story of Science books, which we've also just started. I think it's going to be too hard to line these series up exactly by chapter, but the three volumes of each series do correspond roughly to the same time periods. (Ancient/Medieval, Renaissance - 19th century, 20th century - present).

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I much prefer K12's Human Odyssey for older kids. SOTW is wonderful for the grade 1-4 set, but it is not enough for older kids. I haven't used the online portion though, so I can't give any information about that.



What she said!

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