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2nd Grade: If you write out the answers for R&S...

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If you have your dc write out the exercises in R&S, do you do additional copywork? If so, how much?


Help! I'm putting together ds's curricula for next year, and am undecided how much writing is appropriate for 2nd grade. (Ds will be just turning 7 when we begin...)


Other subjects that will require some writing in our day include:

CLE Reading

Patterns of Nature (Rod and Staff)

Spelling (by dictation, unless we go with WWE...)


So, do I add copywork (or WWE 2), too? :confused:

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My son will be 7 in Sept. I have both Patterns in nature and CLE Reading but decided not to use them. I think he would really be bored with them . Instead we will use Considering God's Creation , notebooking (free coloring pages that I print online and ask him to write a little bit about the subject ) and Apologia + living books for science and reading. We might use CLE reading starting in 4th grade but right now I'd rather have him read good books. We love WWE and do occasional copywork and dictation , usually poems or Bible verses . That said , I don't know if this is helpful to you :)

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Well, yes, I'd add copywork, because the purposes are different.


And I would NOT make your child write all the answers in R&S. You can easily do a lot of it orally. Not everything, but a lot.


This has been our approach with R&S.


I've been gradually adding more as dd gets older and more practice with actual writing/penmanship.

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And I would NOT make your child write all the answers in R&S. You can easily do a lot of it orally. Not everything, but a lot.


This has been our approach with R&S.


I've been gradually adding more as dd gets older and more practice with actual writing/penmanship.

That's how we worked R&S also. It's more fun, and my kids learned more and retained it better when we did it mostly orally. If you really want him to write it out, do only parts of it, and do it on a white board! A white board is WAY better than writing it on paper! :tongue_smilie::001_smile: That really seems to be a winning combination for R&S--orally and white board!
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Thank you all for responding! May I now ask, how much copywork do you assign in second grade? I have been searching my WTM, but I cannot seem to find the answer. Maybe I am remembering more specific directions from the earliest edition...


I actually love typing up copywork for ds to copy. I did that this year using Educational Fontware, and it worked well. I am just confused as to the number of words appropriate at this age (7). Any thoughts? Where does it say this in WWE or TWTM?

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