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Reading lists.

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I've done a search and can't seem to locate what I am looking for.


I have been supplying books for the kids. I have a shelf in the livingroom that is library books I take out for the kids. It is working well. They are actually enjoying what I am getting so far. But I need more ideas!


DS is 15. Of course he likes action...

DD13, well, she like mangas, due to the influence of her newly acquired best friend... and I want them gone, or lessened for quality reading, but when she reads a novel, it's well below her ability...lazy girl. She has liked some classics...The little Princess, Anne of Green Gables. So I would love to get her reading more at her level with books that interest her.

DD11 - is pretty open to anything. She just started Harry Potter, but liked little Princess, Little House in the Big Woods. She needs good reading material for our reading in LA.

DD6 - she is a beginner reader. But loves to be read to. We are working through Little House on the Prairie Series, then Anne of Green Gables.

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You can search by level at Book Adventure but it only goes up to 8th grade or so.


Have you checked Ambleside Online, that is where we get most of our book suggestions from.


This site has some literature suggestions along with links to activities & lesson plans. The link is for the "A" titles, but you can click the different letters at the top of the page.



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DD13, well, she like mangas, due to the influence of her newly acquired best friend... and I want them gone, or lessened for quality reading, but when she reads a novel, it's well below her ability...lazy girl.
There's quality manga too: we're hooked on Hikaru no Go and can hardly wait for the last few volumes of the series to be released. It might have the side effect of getting her interested in the game Go. :D Here's a link to the first book at Amazon; the user reviews there give a fair representation of the series.


As for lists: I photocopy every reading list I come across: MCT's Classics in the Classroom; Diane Ravitch's list in the appendix of The Language Police (it's worth checking the book out just for the list, though you can see much of it in Google Books); Ambleside Online; Hirsch, etc. I go through them with a pen and highlighter, crossing off what we've got, starring the books that look interesting, highlighting the obvious "must haves." I love book lists, and books of book lists.


I often find the recommendations at Amazon to be a good place to start. If a child loves a particular book, you can go to its page and see which other books were purchased by customers who purchase that one.


Has your oldest son done a Robinsonade unit? I'm toying with one for DD the Elder when we start lit studies: Robinson Crusoe, Swiss Family Robinson, Mysterious Island, Lord of the Flies. I'm scared to think about what a modern day classic style Robinsonade would look like (forget Lost, please), and just how the castaways would fare when their iPhone or iPod batteries die.

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