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Having never used FLL before would it be ok to...

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start ds10 with level 4? I have been using FLL 1 w/ dd7 this year and really like it! I wish I would have known about this curric. when ds was younger. That being said, I have been thinking about trying to get at least a year of it in w/ him still. We have used a little bit of R&S, and some misc. grammar workbooks over the last couple years. Has anyone jumped in at FLL 3 or 4 with a 5th grader? If so, what were your experiences/opinions? We are also switching to WWE with pretty much all of my dc. After reading the thread about using WWE with older dc I am going to give it a try and hope it helps out in the writing department. This is why I am wondering about using FLL with ds10. Any input you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

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Yes, you can use FLL4 with no prior exposure to the program. The definitions and preposition lists will need to be memorized as you work through the program, but there is time built into the lessons for that. Students, who have already had FLL, will come to FLL4 with definitions memorized and require less time to do the lessons.

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It would probably depend on "how much" grammar he's taken in the past. If you listen to SWB's lecture on writing, she suggests that older student's who've had little or no grammar should go back a grade level so a 4th grader should really start FLL 3. My son is almost finished with FLL 3 and there is quite a bit of diagramming and in depth grammar instruction so it might be worth taking a look at. I haven't picked up my copy of FLL 4 yet...

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Yes, you can use FLL4 with no prior exposure to the program. The definitions and preposition lists will need to be memorized as you work through the program, but there is time built into the lessons for that. Students, who have already had FLL, will come to FLL4 with definitions memorized and require less time to do the lessons.


It would probably depend on "how much" grammar he's taken in the past. If you listen to SWB's lecture on writing, she suggests that older student's who've had little or no grammar should go back a grade level so a 4th grader should really start FLL 3. My son is almost finished with FLL 3 and there is quite a bit of diagramming and in depth grammar instruction so it might be worth taking a look at. I haven't picked up my copy of FLL 4 yet...



Thank you both for you input. It's great to hear that we will be able to pick it up this late in the game. I will deffinately look at both level 3 & 4. I haven't heard SWB's lectures yet, but need to get them. I have heard great things about them lately & really want to hear what she has to say.


Thanks again :001_smile:

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My personal experience...


DD11 has had essentially NO experience with grammar. Our schools didn't teach it. :confused: I did purchase 3 for her, and she actually found it too difficult, and she is a reasonably bright child.


After fussing with a few different things, we are just going to FLL1 and working forward at whatever pace we feel comfortable. I have a feeling that 1 and 2 will fly by, and the momentum will slow a little in 3, and a little in 4, but we'll be at a place where she can continue to build from!

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Another question then. Do you have to have completed FLL to go into WWE?


These programs confuse me so much, and I don't know why?


So, with FLL, you don't need another grammar, right? If you do FLL 1 with a 1st grader, do you need a phonics program? I think I just STILL don't understand what these are!!:confused:

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Another question then. Do you have to have completed FLL to go into WWE?


These programs confuse me so much, and I don't know why?


So, with FLL, you don't need another grammar, right? If you do FLL 1 with a 1st grader, do you need a phonics program? I think I just STILL don't understand what these are!!:confused:


I would highly encourage a phonics program, FLL is not a reading but a grammar. WWE is separate from this as well. They are 3 parts to the whole. OPGTR - Reading and phonics WWE - Writing and FLL -Grammar.


I do all three with my 6yo. And she enjoys all of them. I use the workbooks for WWE, not cause it's even necessary, but as it has all the busy work for mom done. All the excerpts are in it, but it gives ideas for read alouds later too if she shows interest in the story.

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