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1st Grade Spelling Curriculum

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So while I am almost 100% positive that I will use ZB Spelling 1 (it appeals to me and it seems very similar to what J is using currently) I would like to see what others have used as well.


J is taking weekly spelling test, which consits of approx 10 words, three letters each usually. He scores with almost 100% accuracy each time.


I really do not want a bibilical stance on Spelling, I would rather have a non-religous curriculum for this course. We will be doing our own Religious class not only thru the Parish, as J starts his CCD classes this fall, but also what I place together with various books.


What have you used, why and would you use it again?


Thanks for all the suggestions/comments!

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We used All About Spelling and got most of the way through level 1, but it was too time consuming for us, so I dropped it. I have Apples & Pears now, which we started and dropped due to time constraints, but are picking up again this week. I like A&P, it's short, sweet, and to the point, plus there aren't tons of pieces and Ariel likes the little word searches and crosswords that are included.

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I'm not an affiliate, but I always rec. The Phonics Road, a complete LA program. Level 1 will focus on phonics and spelling using a series of Rule Tunes, little songs, to help with spelling rules and eventually Grammar Tunes. It is suggested to start in 1st grade.


In year 2 where grammar, writing, lit study and spelling combine for total language arts, you'll build on what you learned in Y1. It's a solid program that has helped to improve poor spellers in our home, as remedial study, and has provided an excellent foundation for those in our family who have had the pleasure of using it as their initial program.


If PR is not for you, I'd suggest All About Spelling or Elizabeth's excellent website, using Webster's speller, a white board and a variety of games. Both are choices that have shown themselves very well on this Forum over many years.


Best wishes for a great new school year!

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For spelling I have used ETC, How to Teach Spelling, All About Spelling. For phonics: OPGTR, MFW K, Accelerated Achievement.


Phonics Road is by far the best out of all, IMO!:D We supplement with thephonicspage.org for syllabication since we got rid of AAS.


I have been intrigued by ZBs other products. The one year of handwriting that we used from them was excellent.

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I do not want something that includes phonics, since we already have Saxon Phonics1. It is just too weak in spelling for our liking.


Josef is already a great speller and knows his phonics well-the first lessons in Saxon Phonics will be review, but Phonics2 would have been too much for him. So we will accelerate Saxon, both Phonics and Math, so when we get to something new, we can stay in it longer-if need be.


PR nor AAS appeals to me:o


A&P seems interesting, yet I just do not know about it :o


I guess there is just *something* about ZB that I like. I listened to myself about all the other curriculum we have chosen, so ZB looks to be the winner by default.


Has anyone ever used ZB Spelling?

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What have you used, why and would you use it again?
Sorry. I thought that you were asking about ZB at first, but then latched on to this part of the post. Maybe you should put the ZB program in the title of a new thread so that those who have used it will see it. You may want to look at Spelling by Sound and Structure by Rod and Staff.
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Sorry. I thought that you were asking about ZB at first, but then latched on to this part of the post. Maybe you should put the ZB program in the title of a new thread so that those who have used it will see it. You may want to look at Spelling by Sound and Structure by Rod and Staff.


I would like to hear from all curriculum resources, just not ZB. If someone has used ZB Spelling, that is GREAT :D If not, I would like to hear about others.


I do not want to use a Biblical based Spelling, which I feel R&S is. Even in my son's current school, a Catholic School, not all subjects are Biblical based. This is how we would like to continue our homeschool.

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I do not want to use a Biblical based Spelling, which I feel R&S is. Even in my son's current school, a Catholic School, not all subjects are Biblical based. This is how we would like to continue our homeschool.
Really? I hadn't noticed that, but I only looked at the first couple of levels. I hope you get some great responses. I have seen all kinds of spelling programs being discussed around here. :)
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We are using AAS level 1. DD6 LOVES it! I don't find it time consuming, we sit and play with it. I have melded it with OPGTR, it seems to teach very similar and with letter blends she struggles with in AAS, I can open to the sound in the OPGTR and do that lesson, and then the AAS makes sense again! AAS I find moves at a nice clip. Sometimes spelling with tiles bores her, so we get the white board marker out.


I have to say, the programs has helped her in more than reading and writing. I have had concerns about her speech. She does have a tendancy to baby talk, but even when she wasn't, there were speech issues. I was going to bring her to be assessed. Since we started AAS and OPGTR, I have found out she simply wasn't hearing the more subtle sounds. Now she is, and she is making an effort to say the sounds. Sometimes it requires lots of effort on her part. But it's coming along nicely. I'm happy to say she is no longer telling every one I'm forty-six but thorty-six..lol. Yes thorty. But it's a huge improvement. And we'll tackle those sounds in a week or two when we hit that part. But I am no longer concerned, it's partially mishearing, partially age developmental and partially laziness, it'll come in the next few months.

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