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Is Chemistry Necessary before Physics?

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Here's what Apologia Physics says:


"A curriculum in motion tends to stay in motion---and Dr. Wile's award-winning physics course just keeps getting better! Offering outstanding college-prep instruction, it now features color illustrations, 50% more experiments, expanded discussions of light and optics, extra practice problems, and direction to online resources. Covers vector analysis, Newton's laws, work and energy, waves, magnetism, electrodynamics, and more! Trigonometry and chemistry are recommended prerequisites. Includes a 334-page softcover test/solutions book. Approx. 575 pages, hardcover.This course is designed for high school juniors."


Has anyone used this course? Is a full chemistry course necessary, or is there some part of it that we could do a quick study on ahead of time?

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I have used the course with my oldest but I don't remember any chemistry being needed. I don't see why it would logically. Chemistry depends on physics not the other way around. In any case, my two dds will be taking physics next year. For one it will be before chemistry and for the other after it. We won't be using the Apologia.

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Physics is the basic science that helps explain the others. I can understand the trig being necessary because Apologia physics is a higher math based program. Apologia physics may assume a basic knowledge of chemical/molecular/atomic interactions, thermodynamics, etc. rather than actually teaching those basics in the curriculum. A conceptual physics before a "math based" physics course would be sufficient, IMO, because CP begins with the basics. And a student who has had chemistry first would be prepared as well.

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Thank you IntheGreatWhiteNorth and Cynthia! :) I'm guessing that the physics was too basic for your son and he wanted something more rigorous. I've FINALLY made the decision and have ordered the Apologia physics for next year. I'll be back here trying to figure out the follow up book next year. :lol:


We're finishing up the last chapters of Apologia physical science, and it's all really starting to click for dd. I can see that flowing very nicely into physics and I think she'll enjoy the math aspect. :)


Thank you to everyone for all the input and help with this decision!

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