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CLE Math--Can we skip?


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I have a son finishing up CLE Math 5 soon and will be starting with 602 right after that. The only problem is that he's a sixth grader this year. I want him to do Pre-Algebra in 8th so he's ready for Algebra 1 in 9th (we plan on using BJU Math with the dvd's from 8th or 9th on).


To catch him up, can we skip the 700 series of Math? Is it just a foundational review, or is it necessary for Pre-Algebra? I'm thinking we'd skip 700 and go onto 800 or another prealgebra program.


He gets math and doesn't struggle at all.


I know I shouldn't worry about levels, but I do :-). He's definitely going onto college and may well end up in a science or medical field, so he really needs to be on track with Algebra 1.


How do I catch him up?


Thanks in advance!


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I would not skip the 700 series. I am doing this now with my going into eighth grade dd who has already been through 7th grade math. We puchased the 800 series and quickly realized that wwe had to order the 700. I think that the 700 IS pre-algebra and the 800 is a mix of Pre and Algebra 1. Just my thoughts.....

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Ds is finishing CLE math 7 now. I purchased Saxon algebra 1 with Art Reed dvd's and have read/watched over half of it.


CLE math 8 was on the for sale boards so I bought it just to look at it. Yup, we'll be skipping CLE math 8. CLE math 8 is wonderful and even has some advanced math in it (sine, cosine, etc.). BUT there is also a TON of review of math 7, and I want a full algebra program for grade 8.


I suggest NOT skipping CLE math 7 but skip CLE math 8 if you're going to skip.


How to catch up - skip lessons. There is SO much review in CLE math that we've begun to skip 2 lessons in every lightunit. We do the new part of the lesson and then skip to the next and do it completely. Usually lessons 1,6, or 11 are safe to skip since there will be plenty of review before the next quiz or test.


We've also skipped every -01 in grades 5-7 and reviewed the previous year's material as we went instead of spending 3 wks reviewing with the -01 LU.

Edited by MIch elle
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