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writing tales enough for grammar?

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I am thinking of using writing tales next year. Both boys need some specific writing lessons. We have been using FLL (K-4) for grammar, so I feel they both have a good start with grammar. Would Writing tales have enough grammar to just use that for writing and grammar, or do I need a separate grammar program?

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I am thinking of using writing tales next year. Both boys need some specific writing lessons. We have been using FLL (K-4) for grammar, so I feel they both have a good start with grammar. Would Writing tales have enough grammar to just use that for writing and grammar, or do I need a separate grammar program?

WT is a nice program overall. It wasn't our favorite, but it was fine. It gives a good intro into grammar, but I don't think the grammar was sufficient. And this is coming from me - someone who's not a lover of heavy grammar instruction by any means. I can't stand diagramming either. ;)

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I am thinking of using writing tales next year. Both boys need some specific writing lessons. We have been using FLL (K-4) for grammar, so I feel they both have a good start with grammar. Would Writing tales have enough grammar to just use that for writing and grammar, or do I need a separate grammar program?


Are you planning on going to Classical Writing? If yes I wouldn't overly worry about it. CW has more than enough grammar and starts back with the beginning. Right now you just don't want them to forget what they have learned thus far.


But I haven't actually used WT. CW Aesop, the counter part of WT only covers grammar once a week. Now it a heavy day because the child does a lot of different work, review, and such. It is still only once a week.




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It's been a while since I read this, but I believe the author states that she feels WT 1 has sufficient grammar for a 3rd grader. She recommends adding a grammar program in 4th when you are doing WT 2 though. I think she actually uses GWG.



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