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GHEA success! Great used book deals & met Dana Mosley!!

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I went to GHEA in Atlanta today and it was a great success. I sold most everything I took to the used sale and scored some great deals! The biggies were:


The Rainbow Science Set (Text, TM, & Lab) for $25!!!


The older edition of Exploring Creation with General Science with Tests/Answers for $12.50!!


I couldn't decide between those two programs for 8th grade science. At those prices, I bought them both! Now to decide which to use or what to use when.


I was about to order a test prep by Steck Vaughn last night but didn't and got it today for $1!!!!


Also got to meet and talk with Dana Mosley! After reading so much about him here, I felt like I was meeting Elvis. I told him I felt like I needed to ask for his autograph bc at TWTM, he was the king of math!


And for my last steal, despite meeting Mr. Mosley and looking at CD, I decided my ds would probably deal better with MUS, at least for now. I snagged the Pre-Algebra TM, DVD, Starter Set of Blocks, Completer Set, Fraction Overlays, and Algebra/Decimal Inserts for..........

























What a GREAT day!


Just had to share. I hardly ever luck up on any good deals.



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Yep, I'm pleased as punch. I've been going thru the Rainbow and ECGS today trying to decide which to use next year with my 6th and 8th graders. I'd like to use Rainbow in one yr next yr and the ECGS after but my oldest will be in 9th then. I may do a post on the HS board and see about how to cover those in the next two years and be able to have something count toward one HS credit.


I hope we do well with the MUS. We've tried SOOOO many programs. He just really needs things to make the light bulbs go on.


Even the test prep for $1 was exciting to me! I always feel like we're "behind" and dred testing. Now I have that to go thru for next year and make sure we're on track.


I also got an unused copy of Beth Moore's "A Heart Like His" for $6, a Kay Arthur "Lord, Teach Me to Pray" for $1, and "The Power of a Positive Mom" for $1. Everything's in excellent condition.


I was also really surprised about Dana Mosley in person. He is soooo tall, well over 6'. I'm 5'8" and he towered over me by a good head. He also looks a good bit older than on the DVDs. But, he said he has 5 yr old twins! I guess they keep him busy.


Off to read my "new" books from my "Nerd Convention", as my boys call it!:lol:



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I am jealous! I didn't really need anything, in fact, I have over twelve boxes of books to sell but I just wanted to go and BROWSE! Yea, right! I would have bought but still I can't resist good deals! Hubby had to work, so maybe next year!

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