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Do you use CW to help your dc write across the curriculum - such as history or science reports? Or, do you just summarize stories? I know it is summarizing at the beginning, but does it progress? When and how? Do you do other writing assignments beyond the CW ones, in other subjects?

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I sort of responded to this in your writing thread. I try to have my dd 4th grade write 1 paper per week. She writes one for CW and the next week it's from a book she's reading.


The sizes and number of paragrahs vary.


Also, I use the core book only for Homer and she writes on the selections that I chose. But I didn't do all of Homer, so we might switch back to the workbooks for the rest of the year.

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CW Aesops and Homer, help you to think about how sentences, paragraphs, and stories are constructed. You each apart, and then put them back together in your own words. It's a puzzle, challenging, yet rewarding.


My dd12 is a great creative writer, but she often is frustrated when having to re-tell, in writing, the words of others. Homer A, has given her the tools to feel more comfortable doing so. So, to answer the question, no and yes. I think after time, your child uses some of the tools they will learn in CW and will naturally incorporate these into their writings across the board. But, I don't personally use all the tools each time a writing assignment in another subject comes up.

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But, I don't personally use all the tools each time a writing assignment in another subject comes up.


So, what other writing do you do besides CW? And, if you say, assign a history essay how does you child do that?

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Yes, she writes history summaries, a short bk report once a week, creative "free" writing, and some writing with science and philosophy. When I say I don't use Homer for these other exercises, I mean we don't so sentence shuffles, adjective replacement, etc; the exercises that you do each week in Homer. But, we do use Theon's six components chart, as well as other editing checklists used with Homer.



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I use the R&S book report format for our literature studies. I use the CW approach to have my boys write narrations in history (keyword outline, write, rewrite). We just follow the notebooking assignments outlined in the Elem Apologia science series.


Essay writing is taught in CW Diogenes which my older boys will get to in 6th & 7th grade. At that point I will start assigning more literary analysis and history essays.

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Do you use CW to help your dc write across the curriculum - such as history or science reports? Or, do you just summarize stories? I know it is summarizing at the beginning, but does it progress? When and how? Do you do other writing assignments beyond the CW ones, in other subjects?


I know down the road the child doing CW does eventually write their own original works, but I don't remember where.




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I use the R&S book report format for our literature studies. I use the CW approach to have my boys write narrations in history (keyword outline, write, rewrite). We just follow the notebooking assignments outlined in the Elem Apologia science series.


Yes, I think that will be my plan as well. I'm planning on WT followed by CW and R&S, so I will just combine the two. I'm not sure where I'm headed for science yet... Thanks for helping me work through this!

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