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Has anyone been to any of the Y.E.S. classes at Disney as part of Homeschool Days?

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Yes, we did it just over a year ago. Anything in particular you want to know?


I can't remember which class the kids took, but at the time, my dc were 13 1/2 and nearly 12. They did something regarding the physics of motion, I believe. They were taken on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority (the little elevated blue 'roller coaster' that runs by Space Mountain and through the Buzz Lightyear ride) and learned how it operated on magnets, etc, and they also got to go inside the Haunted Mansion and see how the "dancing' scene is done. The class was around 3 hours or so (I can't remember) and they enjoyed it. They did more, but that is what I remember at the moment.


As for the cost, it was actually a LOT cheaper than if we had bought tickets on our own. We got Park Hopper passes (5 days? I believe) AND 5 "entrances" to either Blizzard beach or Disney Quest in Downtown Disney. That meant, technically, we had 10 days of tickets for the $180 each or whatver we paid. We honestly could have done 5 days at Blizzard Beach on top of the 5 day Park Hopper, if we had desired. We thought the deal was incredible.


When we went, we stayed at the All Stars (it might be loud & crowded, but it's cheap and you get free Disensy parking!). We had water bottles in a cooler in our room, and we didn't drink sodas while there. We didn't do a meal plan because A. it wasn't offered, but mostly because we don't eat that much food..... we usually go light for breakfast at the hotel's food court, have what we call "Linner" (Lunch/Dinner combined) around 3:00, then something sinfully unhealthy (usually ice cream!) around 7:00.... that workd fine for us. We also had chips & stuff at the hotel that we brought with us if the munchies struck, which it usually didn't.


We had a good time and would do it again (in fact, we plan to when the kids can do the high school stuff). We've been to Disney many times, and this was by far the cheapest trip we took. Not to mention the kids get a day of school done "the Disney way"! :D


Let me know if there is anything specific you want to know and I'll try to help.

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Yes, we did this twice, both times as part of "Homeschooling Days". I think it was $25 per kid per class, but it was several hours long and very well done. We did one at EPCOT where we went through the Land, we got behind the scenes to the point that we were in the gardens that you just see when you're in the ride. They also got to go into the backstage area (or actually the underwater area) of the Dolphins. We didn't get to pet the dolphins because they were doing training, but apparently that is sometimes an option. I can't remember all the other little things we did, but we definitely got to know The Land a lot better than we did as regular guests. Same thing the next year when we did Animal Kingdom....behind the scenes in many of the animal habitats and a lot of great information about the animals and the programs at Disney (which by the way is in the top worldwide for their animal program, something I hadn't even considered, let alone knew, lol). The kids got booklets at each event to fill out as they went along or to do on their own (which is what we opted to do). And special pins.


We didn't make it to the one at Magic Kingdom, but I sure wish we had because it was about the physics of roller coasters and as with the others, lots of backstage time.


Part of the price typically includes admission to the park, but if you already have that as a package or an Annual Pass you can buy just the class....or at least we did.


Have fun!

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We just did it in December at Animal Kingdom. It was great. They took the kids on a private tour to see and learn about the animals and they got to see some behind the scenes stuff.


As for the cost, it was actually a LOT cheaper than if we had bought tickets on our own. We got Park Hopper passes (5 days? I believe) AND 5 "entrances" to either Blizzard beach or Disney Quest in Downtown Disney. That meant, technically, we had 10 days of tickets for the $180 each or whatver we paid. We honestly could have done 5 days at Blizzard Beach on top of the 5 day Park Hopper, if we had desired. We thought the deal was incredible.


This was the same for us. We did one park a day and hit Disney Quest at night. It was awesome!

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