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Increasing the challenge of SOTW


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If you're doing SOTW with 1-4 graders, but have some young high school tag-alongs, what would you implement to increase the challenge for them? Right now they are currently:


-taking the SOTW tests

-writing paragraphs instead of a few sentences


I'm thinking for volume two next year adding reading from Susan's new books, but the chapters don't line up well to SOTW, so I hear. And these are not "advanced" high schoolers. Susan's books would be a stretch for them. Maybe additional non-fiction from the SOTW reading list? What else?

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Check out Biblioplan. They schedule SOTW, so you can see what they recommend for 5th-8th and high school that lines up with that week's reading of SOTW.






:iagree: They also have high school recommendations, but in a way that you could just use what would work. If you are definitely tied to SOTW, it would be a great fit.


Disclaimer: I don't actually use Biblioplan, I jsut have a friend who does, and I am very familiar with it.

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I'm matching up SOTW to k12's Human Odyssey (try an archive search, there have been *tons* of threads on it lately) with my olders so the olders and youngers are on the same subjects at the same time but at their own levels. I'm not sure what you mean by "young high schoolers" but you can check this thread for info:




This thread has some pages someone scanned in from k12's Human Odyssey so you can get an idea of how it reads:




This one has good stuff, too:




Hope this is helpful!:)

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I could see using SOTW with extra resources for Logic stage but never for High School. You need a High School level text for your high Schoolers.


The thing is, these are not MY high schoolers and they have not been doing "rigorous" classical education all along and if SWB's History of the Ancient World is considered high school level, then they're not ready for it (at least not all of them, I may be able to get one mother one board with having her daughter read it). With nothing in between SOTW and HOTAW(?) then I have to find a way to step SOTW up for them since they are involved in the curriculum with us anyway (we're a NON co-op based SOTW class.) If figure SOTW for them is better than nothing. But I do want to encourage their parents to challenge them a little more and was looking for good suggestions. We're talking three 14 year olds in 9th grade.

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I'm matching up SOTW to k12's Human Odyssey (try an archive search, there have been *tons* of threads on it lately) with my olders so the olders and youngers are on the same subjects at the same time but at their own levels. I'm not sure what you mean by "young high schoolers" but you can check this thread for info:




This thread has some pages someone scanned in from k12's Human Odyssey so you can get an idea of how it reads:




This one has good stuff, too:




Hope this is helpful!:)


Nice links, thanks :)

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