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Opinions on BJU classes please


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My daughter is a rising 3rd grader and pretty strong in LA. This year, she used CLE LA 2 and is well into CLE LA 3. We are finishing up WWE 2 and I was going to either use WWE 3 or Writing Tales with her next year. Then I found out you can order the BJU online classes separately. Now I am looking into either BJU English 3 or BJU English 4 for her.


What do you think about these classes? Would it be a mistake to put her in BJU 4 (she will have finished CLE 3 and possibly WWE 3 by the fall). Is there a message board where I can get the "inside scoop" on BJU and which levels/teachers are good? I'm just thinking this might be a really nice change of pace for her. If I e-mail BJU will they send me additional samples of the classes? It's a little tough to decide just viewing one English 3 class.


Also, I'm thinking their grammar would be fine for her, but how is the writing? She is not real big on creative writing.




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The English classes are short & sweet only 15 minutes each. And BJU is pretty tough in English at grade level, so I probably wouldn't skip unless you have a very advanced student.


I think Mrs Cox is the teacher for 3rd; Mrs Overly teaches 4th. My boys found Mrs Cox a bit ... hmm, well ... sweet and soft-spoken for their liking. Kind of "Alright, class, today it is time to ...." rather than "Saddle up! We're going to learn!!" LOL Both are very good teachers.


Thanks, Shari! Anyone else? Isn't there a BJU message board somewhere?



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